How to Overcome the Cross-Text Connection Questions?

How to Overcome the Cross-Text Connection Questions?

Since the inception of the Digital SAT, both the Reading and Writing parts have been completely overhauled. Along with the test format, the entire syllabus has seen drastic changes especially the Reading and Writing Section. Amongst the many changes seen in the reading and writing section is the inclusion of the a Question Type called Cross Text Connections. Where every question in this section carries only one unique passage for it, Cross Text Connection Questions is the only question type that carries two passages for every question. In addition to the extra reading, these questions can be extremely tricky and time consuming if the right approach to tackle them is not understood.

Since these Questions carry two passages, it is important to understand what the examiner actually asks and how are we supposed to answer it:

  1. What the Examiner asks and expects?

The Examiner wants you to understand both the passages and how they are related to each other. The question that he will pose will normally ask you to find the difference in their central idea and that can be in any way or form. Form example he can ask the difference in the point of views of both the passages as a whole, or he can select any part of the passages and ask you to relate it with the other passage. Whatever the question may ask you, one thing is for sure: you have to somehow make time to read both the passages and understand exactly what they are trying to tell you.

2. How are we supposed to answer it?

Either both the passages will be in line with each other, or they will be different. Our first job is to find that out. Once we know how the passages are related, we have to see what the question is asking. Accordingly, we have to find the best answer. When doing that, we have to remember that there can be more than one right answer as well. Just make sure that we know the "POINT of VIEWS" of both the passages and we can easily relate them with the question asked.

Normally this type of question drains a lot of time and is always advised to be left for the end. If the easy questions are done quickly, you can save time for this, otherwise you may end up not completing this on time. Work on you reading speed as it can prove to crucial for you throughout the test.



