How to overcome the boredom?
Boredom is a human feeling. And this feeling usually appears in one of two scenarios. The first is when you have quite a long period of free time. The second is when you lose focus and passion for the work you are doing.
If this condition lasts for a long time, it will not only affect your work performance but also your quality of life. So what is the real cause of boredom? How to overcome boredom and transform this emotional experience into positive energy?
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Why are you bored?
We often get bored with repetitive things. Especially during the times when we are alone. Human instincts contain two opposite sides like this. When we achieve something and when it becomes too familiar, the feeling of boredom appears. People will again search for new things. However, on the long journey going towards new goals, it is not always successful or happy. That’s why we are like that human, will feel discouraged and want to give up.
The real cause of boredom comes from both inside and outside. Inside means you don't have a specific plan for your time. While outside is the external familiar situations that we encounter every day. Familiarity will lead to a feeling of peace of mind but then it becomes boredom. That's obvious!
Even people who have goals but because the journey is so long, there are times when they forget the reason why they started. Therefore, planning by day, week and month will help us not get lost.
Boredom also has benefits. Take its advantage!
Have you noticed that every time you're bored, you cower in a corner? Today that small corner is within a smartphone. It gives you a virtual world that can fill up all your time not knowing what to do. However, this creates a repeated cycle of boredom. That means if you're bored, you scroll through your phone. The more you scroll through your phone, the more bored and empty you feel.
?Few people know that boredom is a resting state of our brain. This is usually when you have just finished a long time project or a difficult task. It can also be empty time that you have not specifically planned for anything to do.
At these times, there will be some groups of neurons that are less active. Groups of neurons that are used heavily to solve problems will need to rest when you finish the task. And then, groups of neurons specializing in recall and emotion will begin to perform their functions.
Transform your emotions, get ready to move on
The transition between the active and resting states of neurons is similar to our muscles. After each period of lively activity, they need to rest. So listen to your body's signals. It is important to balance your work and life according to your health condition. Activity and rest are two states that complement each other. After an activity, there must be rest. And resting help us have energy for other activities waiting in a to-do list.
When you are bored, change your current state or situation. Even a little change will bring fresh energy. If you are bored at home, go out and get closer to nature. Nature has miraculous healing powers. What if you still want to stay at home? Get active with an exercise. Or you can also rearrange your home to make a few small changes. You can even use your free time to reflect on what you learned during the day.
Key Takeaways
Plan to use all specific times. Don't ignore short periods of free time. They can actually be a lever to help you achieve your goals more easily. If boredom sets in, that's also a good thing. Because you recognize the signal that your body needs rest. However, it's important not to rest longer than necessary. Don't let boredom engulf you and you end up choosing to kill time with useless hours on social networks.
Always remind yourself of the Big Why for the journey you have chosen. Instead of regretting what happened, take action towards the future. Every person's life will inevitably have some boring and empty days. This is a completely natural state as a transition between activity and rest. Accept it instead of avoiding it or trying to find something to compensate. From there, you can find the benefits of boredom to transform your energy and continue your journey.