How to overcome anxiety.
Quasib Raza
(L.I.O.N with 13600+) Secretary at here is the change trust, Teacher, Career counselor, Educationist, Critics
Anxiety is a form of distress, sometimes about sad memories or past losses, and at other times about uncertainty regarding the future. it is common phenomenon, and a majority of men and women live in various states of anxiety.
Anxiety is a killer habit, self-destructive. it is not caused by any external agent;it is you, yourself who have developed this killer habit.
Problem arising from external sources may be beyond your control and hence difficult to get rid of. Whatever be the case, anxiety is a self-created problem.when its is self created problem, it means that the solution lies in your hands, rather than the hands of, why complain? Anxiety is not a physical problem, its a way of thinking. If you are an intellectually aware person and are able to change your thinking pattern, then anxiety will not bother at you all.
For example, if you are sad about a loss you incurred in the past, you can logically address your mind by saying that what you lost is not returnable and you gain nothing by thinking about it. And, if the future is worrisome, then address your mind by saying,'why do i bother about that which has not yet come? it may never happen at all!' Anxiety is not a real problem. it is a phenomenon of a particular way of thinking. Change your mind and adopt a positive pattern of thinking, and there will be no anxiety!
Problems are of three kinds. if it is related to the present, you can solve it through wise planning and result oriented action. if it is related to the past, them simple solution is : forget it, and the problem will instantly disappear. if the problem concern the future, then it is not a problem at all, just a baseless fear. in other words, it has no existence at all. if something is non existent, how ca it create a problem for you?
Discover the genesis of anxiety and you will readily be able to get rid of it. anxiety is not a physical problem. it begins in the mind and can be buried only in mind.