How our new tech is keeping AFCA human-centred

How our new tech is keeping AFCA human-centred

AFCA is transforming the way it does business. As the dispute resolution scheme for the financial services sector in Australia, we are leading the way in how we engage and handle complaints. No other ombudsman scheme in the world has embarked on such an expansive program of change. In June, we launched three new integrated systems – a case management system (CMS), an enhanced member portal and a consumer portal.??

Why embark on such a massive transformation? Like many organisations, our outdated legacy systems were no longer fit for purpose in a digital world. Yet, timeliness and efficiency are critical when a consumer comes to us for help with their financial complaint.??

Our new systems focus on improving our people and customer experience. They will also deliver improved data insights, providing greater transparency around industry performance to drive accountability and lasting change within the financial services sector.??

The introduction of targeted automation has reduced the manual impost on our people, our members and consumers. This allows AFCA to focus on delivering quality outcomes. Consumers and members can now self-serve, upload and access documents, view where they are in the process and access timeframes and due dates for responding. Greater efficiency also allows us to improve equity and access for those who don’t engage in the digital world. After all, ours is a human-centred business.??

It’s been a long journey, over many years, to arrive at this point. We worked with consumers and members to identify frustrations and ensure the solution was fit for purpose. Behind the scenes, we developed detailed solution blueprints, mapping out the end-to-end journey for everyone involved in resolving a complaint. It was a challenge to design a system flexible enough to meet varying needs, from an individual to a large corporation. We embarked on extensive testing with all key stakeholders before launch. The complexity of the project has also required comprehensive change, communication and training programs.?

Like any large scale change it has not been without challenge. But consumers and members are already starting to see the tremendous benefits of introducing new and innovative ways of working with us.?

Importantly, progress doesn’t stop now. By embracing technology, we allow for continuous improvement – not just through system enhancements but through new ways of working to improve the customer experience. This is not just a technological change; it’s a mindset change for us all. We are at the beginning of our digital journey.?


