How our attachments ruin our life's

How our attachments ruin our life's

Today I’m going to write about Attachments we create either to our beliefs, to people, to things in general and how it impacts our life and takes our freedom away.

Attachments often arise when we learn as children that Love is conditional!

For example “I will love you more if you do that..” “I love you because you have such great grades this year….” “If you want people to love you, you need to be always nice in other words people pleasing”

That’s just few example so, then as a children we create belief “ If this happens then I will be happy and feel Love ??

We carry those attachments to our adulthood life not understanding that we are not children anymore and we don’t need anything or anyone to love us, because we are made of love and can find it inside of us ! That’s powerful to be aware of and to apply in your life!

When you are attached to outcomes, things, people you tempt to control yourself, your actions based on shame, guilt or perceived reward.

For example, when you attach yourself to things there is huge release of pleasure chemicals in the brain and the intensity of releases of those chemicals begin to desensitize the receptor sites in the brain.

So, as brain chemicals released and receptor sites becomes desensitized the next time you take drug, you gamble, you shop, you drink , you overeat whatever it is you need a little bit more so the pleasure center starts to get recalibrated to higher and higher level so you are always going to need more to make the feeling of emptiness or pain go away!!!

So, in reality these feelings don’t go away and you enslave yourself to your addictions/attachments.

Every time you have unbalanced perception and you perceive that you are missing something and that something outside of you is going to make you feel good you are living in a horror phantasies because you are not conscious of the other side of reality , you are only conscious of one side you created with your thinking.

Underlying cause of all emotional reactions is always fear the tool of conditional love that starts in our childhood!! And continues for centuries. Sometimes we don’t even realize that we have attachments until event triggers an emotional reaction in you.

Sometimes we are not even aware of our emotional triggers because feeling is so familiar and so known that it seems to be normal!

So, in other words it is not reality it is experience that is made 100% of thought. You can misuse the freedom of your thought and create hell, or you can use the freedom of your thought and create full and rich life.

I think that majority of people don’t even know how to think free they are spending their days in thinking what can go wrong and why it wouldn’t work ??

Feelings are the union of your thoughts and emotions that released through hormones and neurotransmitters by your brain and your heart.

When I was 26 and decided to move to New Zealand, I was making decision coming purely from inspiration from my heart. I never planned to move or even go to New Zealand I couldn’t speak English and I didn’t even know at the time I made decision to go, where New Zealand is.

To be able to go to New Zealand I sold my flat and I sold it before it was legally registered on the papers because it was those new units, they were building. I sold it when it was still building and not legally registered under my name. So, at the time I was just inspired by the idea to go I didn’t think I might go to prison and pay fine because I’m selling something that is not yet legally registered on my name, I just knew that I’m going to sell it in my heart!! And I did everything fall nicely into place ??

This is how we create our reality. Someone I met only once inspired me by his thought to go to New Zealand I never seen him again, but I made the decision after he expressed his thought. I never thought what may go wrong it wasn’t on the list of my vocabulary??

I applied for au pair job because that was the best and most inspiring option for me at the time, the requirement was driving license I had it but after I passed my driving license I never drove.

So, I had a paper, but I didn’t know how to drive. Because I was inspired in my heart, I got au pair job in amazing family and I didn’t think what can go wrong and how I’m going drive kids to school I took opportunity and everything fall in place, family hired driving instructor for me because in Czech Republic we drive on the other side of the road ??

Again, this is how we create our reality with our thinking If I was thinking I don’t know how to drive and what can go wrong I would miss au pair opportunity and ended up working in restaurant something I really don’t like doing! ?

These are just few examples from my personal life where I don’t attach myself to outcomes because I know when I’m inspired from my heart there is infinite possibilities and I just take action ??

That’s also how I transitioned from my 9-5 two years ago, where I was doing something that wasn’t in alignment with my values and my vision to starting my practice something I really love doing ??

Underneath every attachment either it is attachment to outcome or to someone, or to something there is FEAR rejection, Fear of failure, Fear of success

Underneath every detachment there is Joy, Inspiration, Freedom, Flow experiencing who you really are doing what you love living fulfilling life.

In other words, you know your values and your worth and nothing can be in your way! You are resilient and confident you bounce back easily from rejections because they are just part of the journey ??

When you talk to someone either it is your boss, or even your spouse or business partners and you are attached to the outcome they will feel your fear and will take advantage of you! When you are attached you can’t express who you really are and what is your worth. Remember Needy is creepy!

On the other side when you put your attention on benefit rather then outcome you are motived by inspiration coming from your heart there is no fear, you express yourself, you are confident you are not fearful of losing anything and they feel it as well and respond in a different way.

It is not about exaggerating yourself it is about staying centered connected to your heart and your values!

So, see you create your reality with your thinking and feeling. If we can’t feel greater then we think then you are living in the past in familiar past and predictable future. That’s why you are not creating anything new and running in the same familiar patters.

So, the truth is lost in agreements you make with yourself.

In other words, everything that is happening in your life is a feedback mechanism to guide you to most authentic self your soul (if you want to use the theological language) or your executive center in your brain ?(if you want to use neurological term) everything points out to one thing we are made out of LOVE and when we disconnect from our heart we disconnect from who we truly are!

Because New Year is coming and a lot of you set different types of goals or resolutions and again and again after three month into new year you are getting caught up in your overthinking, you procrastinate and nothing is happening.

Good question to ask when you set a goal what is the motivation?

Is it Desperation – I Have to

Is it Rationalization – I should

Or is it Inspiration – I want to, I would love to ??

Set goals only when you are inspired you will never achieve anything if there is have to or should, or must or even if you will , you will never be really happy and fulfilled because you are not inspired from your heart!

Remember the real you is never awful the real us is who we are before we born, before the contamination of human thought. The soul, the Spirit the true nature of pure love.

Love is not infatuation it involves contradiction

Union and solitude

Intimacy and mystery

Commitment and detachment ??

?There is little neuroplasticity exercise for you

Imagine you are in a death bed, but you are really happy


Why I’m so happy?

What are 5 things in my life that I really glad that I did and I’m grateful that I was alive to do

What are those things that I’m most pleased that I’ve done with my life?

Now you can set a goal for 2023 ??

If you feel stuck, if you feel like you run in a same patterns never enough time, not enough money, you are missing aliveness in your life, you are dragging yourself out of your bed every day, maybe you aware of your addictions and you want to get rid of them

You need to

?Know yourself form your heart by your values not morals!

?Trust yourself

??Love yourself Unconditionally

??Inspire yourself.

This is what I do I help leaders clarify and pursue the most fulfilling and motivating personal and professional path.

?Book a FREE call and we can go from there, see I’m not even attached to the outcome of the call because I don’t even know if I want to work with you I work only with dream clients who loves growth, they are inspiring, warmhearted and committed to change ??


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