How is OSM giving you the edge? Why to trust our training program?
Ivan Zorzetto
Managing Director ?????? Europe. Changing the world through people. Business ?????????????????????????????? from inside out. #?????????????????????
Your business is the hero. Yes, most of the companies follow the same routine – set up of the business and the organizational structure, delegation of responsibilities, then if there are resources like time and money – motivation of the team with training and team building activities. Stay focused and productive between 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and with less emotions, please. Keep your personal worries for the moments after 6 p.m. And, yes, you are the hero of your life.
Let’s rewind everything from the paragraph now and you will understand the difference that OSM makes.
We start with the people. They are the true heroes. We care about their personal worries and we begin our training with that. We use our 9:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. time to focus on their personality. We cause emotions, great emotions. We encourage the emotional approach which fuels the business processes on a daily basis and generates big ideas shaking the status quo and creating business development. This makes a company grow and become the hero in its area of competence.
That is the OSM magic and how it is giving you the edge. We are changing the World by counter-intuitive actions, opposite to what you would normally get from a training service provider, getting you out of your comfort zone.
But isn’t it like this also in life? We usually wait for trauma, for some considerate trouble to shake us in order to change our behavior and improve.
Why to trust our training program?
We literally walk into our clients’ shoes because our consultants attend every month for 2 days the training program that we also offer to our business partners. We know what we are doing and we are constantly improving us and the program itself so to be able to guarantee you the best practices. We apply the Communication training in our daily life, our Sales training skills in the interaction with people, our Public speaking know-how when we present the OSM values in front of a potential client. We have tested and proved that everything we believe in and teach changes lives. The interest and the dreams of our customers are ours as well. We give emotion and value. We ourselves are the social proof of our training program. And that is the reason why our OSM family expands rapidly with every single day.
And let’s take a look also at the practical side of the story.
If you maintain your business without any trainings, one big part of the business processes would be managed on the trial and error approach. Expensive in the long run.
If you maintain your business with one or two trainings per year only, you will grow but very slowly.
By attending a complete professional training program you will sky-rocket your business. Our program will prepare you to evaluate, understand and grow the human potential of your company, to get of the way the demotivating people and unproductive habits, to raise the passion, responsibility and reliability of people.
Now is the time to make sure your corporate culture is in great shape and your dreams and vision are well implanted into the minds and the hearts of your colleagues. Leaders should create that positive kind of environment that retains and develops people and thus guarantee the success of the company.
We all have noticed in the last couple of years that the business owners are no longer those who choose their personnel. People choose their employer as they are not looking now for an organization that will occupy (take) their time, but for a place to feel appreciated and grown. For an employer that puts people first.
Dear business owners, don’t look for employees, just be a leader who everyone wants to join. Check the OSM Values in the leading picture once again and sign up for our training program. Now it all makes sense, right? ??
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