How to Organize a Business Around Your Life Goals
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How to Organize a Business Around Your Life Goals

Life Goals

Most realize life goals change and shift through time. After going through school and even when getting your first job, it’s hard to define your ultimate life goals as they will usually morph through the years. Some may have known what they wanted to do upon graduation, but as life takes a lot of twists and turns, even the best-laid plans turn out differently than expected. However, core values should be consistent through all the changes.

 Your core values are the unnegotiable elements such as integrity, work ethic and honesty. When reaching a pivot able time of life, it is the perfect time to evaluate life goals looking through the lens of your core values. Whether facing a pandemic, entering the market again at the halftime of life, facing a health or relationship crisis, or reaching a plateau in business, each holds the opportunity to shift and even change course if needed. Make sure you download the FREE Goal Setting Worksheets!

 During the recent economic shutdown, many discovered they were getting more done working remotely than in the office. Even with offices opening back up, most will continue with a hybrid system that allows more flexibility to work remotely. One of the main revelations out of all of this was that remote working is entirely possible. However, the personal connection should not be discounted completely. Remember the song Streisand made famous that says, People, People Who Need People? People need each other.

 Whether you are revising or creating your life goals, we will approach the topic with four principles. Determining your schedule, your location, your work and your significance.

Determining Your Schedule

It is a well-discounted myth that working for yourself as an entrepreneur gives you freedom to get up whenever you please and work whenever and however long you want. If you are an entrepreneur or soon-to-be entrepreneur, get ready for hard work and long hours. That is the reality.

 However, it is possible to determine those hours and to determine what you are working on. When Tim Ferris of the 4-Hour Workweek desired a more freedom and a mobile lifestyle, he worked 80 hours a week to achieve his life goal. When speaking with young entrepreneurs, I encourage them not to quit their day job. My advice is to start a side-business and grow it along-side what you are already doing. I have known more than just a few contacts who decide just to go for it and are out of business a year later without a solid customer base or viable product.

 It’s great to really go for your dream, but make sure you have all the pieces in place. You can get to the place where you have freedom and work less hours, but realize it will take a lot of that four-letter word, work. Creating balance of life is ideal, but there are just periods of your life where hard work and putting in the hours is necessary. I watched many from my parent’s generation work extremely hard for years to be where they are today. There weren’t many stories of ignoring the family or faith. Even though there were exceptions, most made time for both. You can determine where you eventually want to be and work toward that end without compromising your values.

Determining Your Location

Today, more than any time in history, we have the freedom to work anywhere. One of my goals has been to work more remotely with the freedom to travel with my husband. That is becoming even more of a reality as I can selectively schedule engagements and meetings, then automate online offers, podcasts and articles. According to a survey from U.S. based Enterprise Technology Research, the percentage of workers around the world that is permanently working from home is expected to double in 2021 as productivity has increased.*

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 Automation and software such as ZOOM, Google Docs and SaaS (software as a service) systems make working most anywhere in the world possible with internet access. During the pandemic, many contractors, construction workers and even do-it-yourselfers were busier than ever as people were upgrading their home environments for home offices. Even if staying put, Upwork estimates that over 26% will continue working remotely through 2021. Also they predict 22% will permanently work remotely by 2025.**

 If your life goals include more travel and remote work, it is not too early to start building your bank of residual income and intellectual property. If you have products working while you sleep, it will free you up for other areas. I realize certain professions will need workers to be present, such as health-care, but even tele-health has grown and it’s continuing to grow.

Determining Your Work

During my parent’s generation, the mindset for many was they would work a certain number of years, then retire. That is seldom the case today, especially in our world’s changing economic climate. Many feel the need to work throughout their 60’s and 70’s with the added pressure of finances. However, there may be more freedom in the type of work you do.

 I have talked with many who have held the dream of branching out with their own business. It’s not too early or too late to start this process. Many times there has been no progress because of fear, confusion or lack of action. Anxiety, fear and stress are real and those should be dealt with.

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There has never been a better time to follow your dream than now, even in a part-time way. In many areas, the field has been leveled. In 2020, no one could travel, everyone had to increase their ability to use technology and for many, branding and messaging needed to be revised. It’s been an extreme time for creativity for so many businesses including restaurants, brick and mortar stores and even speakers and entertainers. Our world will continue to be hybrid in many ways, so your dream may be possible in a way you could never imagine 10 years ago.

Determining Your Significance

Many begin thinking more intently about making a difference when approaching the second half of life. Even in the Old Testament book, Ecclesiates 1:2 it says our lives are but a vapor of vapors and futility of futilities. But we can pay it forward and choose to give our time, resources and expertise to help others make a difference in their world. In many ways, that is my driving “why” and is my larger purpose in doing what I’m doing at this stage of my life, to inspire others.

 So many at the halftime of life (officially over the age of 40!) are not using their skills, talents and resources. If you combine those resources with their vast amount of achievement, this is a huge bank of untapped talent and wealth that is unused. There are as many differing skillsets as personality and physical types. There is truly a place for everyone.

 Many moms and parents entering the career market are extremely talented and equipped to do a number of things. Many cannot begin to match the amount of multitasking they do on a daily basis and they should be taken seriously. On the other hand, many of those close to retirement age are looking to develop their long-lost dream. With the Association of Psychological Science reporting that the largest accumulation of knowledge occurs in the late 60’s & 70’s, those at this stage should definitely go for it!

 Some want to give more time and resources to a worthy cause. Still others want to create products such as books, songs or innovative concoctions that will make life richer and easier for their predecessors. This can be a one of your life goals that is entirely achievable. Start now!

There has never been a better time to follow your dream than now, even in a part-time way. ...Deborah Johnson



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DEBORAH JOHNSON, M.A.: Partnering with you to build a sustainable business at haltime with online training, speaking, music membership, webinars & podcast.  Author of 4 books, dozens of albums, many up for GRAMMY Awards, 3 musicals & online courses. You can reach Deborah the following ways:Twitter:@DebJohnsonWorks ? YouTube ; Facebook: Websites:;


