How Organizations Use Cloud Computing

How Organizations Use Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has been broadly adopted by business. The Institute for Business Value surveyed 572 business and technology executives worldwide to determine how organizations used cloud computing then and how they planned to use it in the future. The study also identified game-changing business enablers that were powered by the cloud. 76 percent of organizations reported that they were already using two to fifteen clouds, and 98 percent predicted they would use multiple hybrid clouds within three years. However, 85 percent were establishing a multi-cloud architecture to develop new and enhanced products and services.

Social collaboration solutions are used in different industries to align key business initiatives. Their value is in helping different roles or departments meet their business needs within the context of an overall collaboration initiative and organizational goal. The key is the provisioning of a collaborative information exchange with intelligent and secure social applications and services. With this, users experience an integrated ecosystem of collaboration and communication applications, while maintaining access to underlying services that can be infused into business processes and aggregated into other experiences.

Fifth generation telecommunications systems will cause an explosion of cloud-supported internet-of-things (IoT) services in the near future. The edge collects data from endpoint devices, transmits that data to devices and links to the back-end data center on a limited basis. This would require additional attention to legal and regulatory compliance requirements. PII protections may involve where and how data can be stored, the information owner, and any required data usage restrictions. In healthcare and transportation, connected vehicles require real-time event detection and management systems designed to detect, analyze and securely handle events.

Many enterprises need to increase lifecycle support to mobile applications and devices deployed to the employee, partner, and customer devices. Cloud computing and cloud services are perfect for supporting the time variable usage patterns of mobile apps. Scalability and elasticity can vary back-end resources to match increasing and decreasing mobile-device requests. Non-enterprise data, such as social media data can also be incorporated. The use of application-specific databases also reduces enterprise systems access requirements and associated resource needs.

A dynamic marketplace-sensing process cannot be replaced by any static dataset. This is another business differentiator that cloud services can deliver. Often described by terms like personalization, customization, and individualized, this requirement highlights the truism that successful business models are founded upon intimate customer knowledge. The new model has delivered improved efficiency and consumer relevancy as it allows customer experience to be personalized for each individual. These behaviors act as pointers to the most appropriate strategy for presenting your relevance to that segment, convincing segment decision-makers to buy your product or service.

Secure data access management is needed across all of the referenced use cases. This requires establishing a consistent way to manage identities and access to platforms and applications from everchanging and unknown entities (human and non-human). Organizations must also provide secure connectivity to data at the enterprise and protect sensitive data in transit, at rest, and in use in the cloud. Visibility into virtual infrastructures should be maintained by collecting and analyzing data across the various cloud components and cloud services. The organization must consistently assess security practices, plans and designs and promptly evolve them to stay ahead of threats.

Learn more about digital transformation innovation: pick up a copy of my new book, Click to Transform - and, when you buy now, get an invitation to join me for an exclusive Q&A on November 20! 

Article generated by AI in cooperation with Leaders Press based on Kevin Jackson’s Click to Transform.


