How to Optimize Your Schedule for Maximum Profitability!

How to Optimize Your Schedule for Maximum Profitability!

Ever feel paralyzed by your to-do list?

Like there’s never enough time in the day to make any real progress to be a successful marketer?

Listen, this is a challenge familiar to all entrepreneurs.

After all, when you’re first starting out and wearing all the hats, it’s easy to get bogged down as you juggle every…single…thing that needs to be accomplished—day in, day out.

However, there are certain “levers” you can pull to get maximum return on your effort.

And if you focus on what I call “Results-Driven Tasks,” you’ll find you can optimize your schedule to make more money, without working any harder.


It all starts with one simple table

So here’s what you need to do…

Create a table with the following three columns:

1.   Results-Driven Tasks

2.   Preparation Tasks

3.   Distraction Tasks

We’ll get into the specifics of how to assign the items on your to-do list to these categories shortly.

First I want you to know how you’ll be divvying up your time on a daily basis.

·      75% of your time will be spent doing Results-Driven Tasks

·      20% will be spent on Preparation Tasks

·      And the final 5% is for Distraction Tasks

Now let’s dive into each of these categories so you can more effectively plan the time you’re dedicating to your business.

First and foremost, I actually want to work backwards, starting with…

3. Distraction Tasks

So the column on the far right is Distraction Tasks, which should constitute around 5% of your time.

These, as you probably guessed, are the tasks that are not very productive.

They don’t lead to you making money in any way, shape, or form, and they don’t have anything to do with your business.

However, you should schedule your Distraction Tasks, because they are inevitable.

Distraction Tasks might include…

·      Cleaning house

·      Checking Facebook

·      Watching TV

·      Attending to your kids

·      Watching YouTube

·      Preparing dinner

·      Answering the phone

·      Reading a book

When you create these columns, you actually want to write out all the possible things that can distract you.

And be ready to put those things on your schedule, because at least some of these things are actually meaningful to you.

Obviously kids are meaningful, right?

But spending time with your children is not something that contributes to the success of your business, so it falls under the category of Distraction Tasks.

The next column includes more important activities…

2. Preparation Tasks

Preparation Tasks are activities that help you get ready for producing revenue, but don’t directly produce revenue themselves.

These should clock in at around 20% of your time, and are a little trickier to define.

So here are a few examples:

·      Writing copy for an ad

·      Writing an email

·      Creating an ad image

·      Creating a thank-you page

·      Writing down goals

·      Researching content

·      Shooting a video

·      Writing a blog

·      Learning a new automation tool

·      Creating a sales funnel (since you’re still not directly producing a result)

Again, these are necessary and productive activities, but they don’t directly produce revenue.

And I can easily get caught up in planning, so it’s important to stick to a strict execution schedule to be a successful marketer.

Now, on to the most important activities…

  1. Results Driven Tasks

Results-Driven Tasks directly leads to you producing a result in your business, such as generating revenue.

And you should dedicate 75% of your time to these activities.

Importantly, Results-Driven Tasks fall under three subcategories:

·      a.) Building an audience

·      b.) Engaging an audience

·      c.) Selling to an audience

So, what are some examples of these?

a) Audience Building

Audience Building are activities with the purpose of creating an audience.

These activities include…

·      Anytime you’re advertising to a cold audience

·      Running a Likes campaign

·      Using Facebook Live to build an audience that you can re-target later

·      Driving traffic to a capture page

Audience building activities are necessary to constantly have a steady stream of new prospects coming into your business.

b) Audience Engagement

Audience Engagement are activities designed to deliver value to an audience.

Building an audience and engaging an audience are similar in execution, yet you have to do both.

For instance, while a Facebook Live can build an audience (as discussed above), it also engages that audience, because obviously you’re interacting with your viewers.

Similarly, when building an email list, you’re driving traffic to a capture page, which is technically building an audience, but you’re also engaging them in the process.

So some of these distinctions aren’t perfectly clean and dry.

So what could you be doing?

·      Running engagement ads

·      Syndicating blog posts

·      Broadcasting a Facebook Live

·      Posting images, videos

·      Asking your audience questions

·      Creating polls

Prospecting can either fall under building an audience, engaging an audience, and also monetizing an audience—which is what we’re going to discuss next…

c) Audience Monetizaiton

Audience Monetization is the final and most important activity to be a successful marketer.

What’s an example of you selling to an audience?

The biggest one is connecting with people who have already bought from you, following up with them, and pointing them toward another buying decision.

This allows you to lead someone from being a customer to a member of your business, for instance.

Again, these distinctions aren’t perfectly cut and dry.

Calling your leads is selling to the audience, but it’s also engaging your audience too, because you initially have to engage them over the phone before you sell to them.

What are some other examples of selling to an audience?

·      Posting directly about a product

·      Facebook Live

·      CTAs on a video ad

·      Video chats with prospects

·      Hosting a webinar

·      Consulting calls

·      Calling leads

·      Emailing your list

·      Setting up a broadcast

·      Doing a marketing presentation

Also, running Facebook ad campaigns, if the ad is specifically geared toward moving people towards a purchase.

As you might have noticed…

Facebook ads can build an audience, engage an audience, and they can also sell to an audience.

Thus, they are one of the most important activities you could schedule to do, because they lead so directly to a result.

And again, when you’re creating your schedule, you want to allocate 75% of your time to Results-Driven Tasks that either build an audience, engage an audience, or sell to an audience.

But what if you’re new?

Because when you’re new, and there’s so much to learn, preparation will be a big part of what you’re doing.

However, don’t let that stop you from taking action.

Because Preparation Tasks don’t directly influence your income.

They’re important, yes; they’re part of what you need to be doing, but when you allocate your time, you might be allocating your time backwards.

Many people allocate a whole lot of time for training, and too little time for implementation.

So you should prioritize anything that teaches you how to take action.

So make sure you prioritize taking those actions!

Don’t give yourself an out and tell yourself, “Well no, I need to go do this other thing over here before I can do that.”

Take the action!

I’d rather have you launch an ad campaign that completely flops, but gives you the experience of running an ad for the first time, getting familiar with the ads manager, and seeing how it works.

Just the fact that you launched the ad was a victory, even if you didn’t know the ins and outs of every single part.

Quick note:

If you are currently doing anything in traditional marketing that’s working for you, then continue to do those things the majority of the time.

Don’t replace activities that are actually producing income and results for you as you learn the online space.

Preparation Tasks should remain at 20% of your schedule, regardless.

Let’s summarize!

You should always categorize the things you’re doing on a consistent basis in your business.

So take your to-do list and divide your tasks into the following columns:

·      Results-Driven Tasks (75% of your time)

·      Preparation Tasks (20% of your time)

·      Distraction Tasks (5% of your time)

And when you create your schedule for the day—however much time you have—first make sure you prioritize the activities in the Results-Driven column, because those three subcategories:

·      Building an audience,

·      Engaging an audience, and

·      Selling to an audience,

…are what directly influence your income.

These distinctions will help you leverage your time much more profitably!

Say you’ve already been building and engaging an audience, then selling to that audience is what’s really going to move the needle from a money standpoint.

Now, if you’re ready to learn more about the specific Results-Driven Tasks I recommend filling your schedule with, then I highly recommend signing up for my associates FREE Webinar called the Ten Minute Traffic Machine.

If you are committed to taking action, I know this could possibly be the thing that helps you have a breakthrough in your business.

So if you’re ready to get started…

And if you found this content helpful, I would love to read your comments below!

In fact, I’d like to invite you to check out a step-by-step tutorial that reveals our exact advertising process in a 100% FREE online workshop, hosted by none other than my associate Tim Erway, who’s responsible for generating over 30 million dollars in revenue online (and counting).


You’ll discover how you can put together a profitable ad campaign in just 10 minutes a day with as little as $10 in initial ad spend.

In fact…

We’ve used the exact formula to turn a $10 test campaign into $141,246.30 in sales.

And my associate Tim will show exactly how he did it.

So if you haven’t registered yet, what are you waiting for?

Register today:

To much success,

Kari Richardson



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