How to Optimise Your LinkedIn Profile
First of all, how many pages you got? One or Two (or more for the savvy entrepreneur)
No matter how many you got, get back to basics and fill in all of the profile sections on all of the pages. Ensure the information is consistent and shows you in a favourable light as we all know that first impressions count.
It may feel a bit like your writing out your CV, in essence, you are. As I said in my last post, everyone on LinkedIn is either selling, buying or both.
Headline - This is the bit under your name - make sure it stands out as its the first thing people see when they look at your post, comment or make a connection. Avoid the generic bull-like Manager or self-employed, that puts you in the same category as a zillion other people, be bold and stand out. Decide why your on LinkedIn, are you buying or selling? Choose keywords around what you aim to achieve, get your current customers to describe you as long as they are not too brutal. I have mine set to “Your Local Web Design Partner” straight forward, no bull, I’m here to sell.
Intro - Forget talking about your business, plenty of time for that on the business page. This is all about you. Think about those tricky job interview questions and spin them around. Delve into past achievements or tricky issues which you’ve resolved. Think about what you can bring to the table. What benefit can others get from connecting with you? No matter if you’re here to buy or sell - now is the time to sell, sell, sell.
Experience Section - This is the part which screams Curriculum Vitae. List your current and past roles and responsibilities, don’t forget to include any volunteer roles or specialised roles.
Some people say only go back 10 years, but I think if the role was specialised and relevant today then throw it in. Especially if you achieved something remarkable, add details.
If there are large gaps, fill them in. Some people who take time out of employment for raising children often leave a gap here, why? There are no better management skills than raising kids. I say that as a single parent of a 15 yr old tomboy with SEN. Extensive management skills required.
Accomplishments Section - This is where you can truly blow your own trumpet. Show where you have excelled, projects you’ve worked on, awards gained, certifications etc.
Don’t shy away from this section if you’ve done it, shout about it. No one else is going to blow your trumpet for you.
Once you have filled in as much information about yourself, click on the more… button and print out your profile as a PDF. This makes it a lot easier to review your information.
Now do the same with your business page, step by step through each section but this time focus on your business from the outside inwards, highlight how your business - not you - can resolve your ideal customer’s problems. 9 times out of 10, this page is about selling your business services.
That is some substantial work for you to look at and implement. Do let me know how you get on and drop me a comment if you need a hand.
I will be frequently posting hints, tips, bits and bobs which you can implement to boost your social profile on LinkedIn, but also on Facebook and Twitter angled specifically on those platforms, so make sure you like and follow the Twisted Spire Business Page, not just on LinkedIn but on Facebook and Twitter too.