How to optimise your health insurance in Switzerland ????
Johan Lobmeyer ???
Impact Entrepreneur | Founder of @Prospert | Financial Empowerment ??
You read the news: The 2023 health insurance premiums are going up.
We have become accustomed to premium increases, averaging more or less 3% per year, but next year is on another level: the premiums are increasing by almost 7%. That is mainly due to the pandemic!
Let's take this opportunity to understand a bit better how the system works, and discover how to optimise our situation.
In a nutshell
Health insurance premiums are linked to healthcare costs.
To reduce these costs, the first thing we can do is to stay healthy as long as possible. For example, by eating healthy and exercising regularly.
Then, we have 6 levers to help us reduce the health insurance bill:
How it works
In Switzerland, the basic health insurance, the LAMal (in French and Italian) or KVG (in German), is mandatory for everyone.
Everyone must have one, the benefits are the same, and everyone is free to go to any insurance (insurers cannot refuse anyone). Unlike supplementary insurance, where insurers have the choice to insure us or not (that's why we have to fill out health questionnaires).
Back to the basic insurance: We will contract a policy valid for one year, it always starts on January 1st and expires on December 31st. The insurers have until the end of October to inform us of the rates for the following year and we have until the end of November to terminate our contract if we wish to do so.
This insurance, we will have to contribute to it and therefore the premium we will pay depends on two factors:
What is covered in the basic insurance?
We are lucky to be in Switzerland and to have good coverage in general. All our medical expenses, whether it be doctors, hospitalisation, medication, etc. are included in the basic insurance.
Of course, there are exceptions such as dental expenses, alternative medicine or off-list medication for which the basic insurance does not cover and therefore supplementary insurance has been created to compensate for this. These supplementary insurances are not necessarily accessible to everyone, so we will not discuss them in this article.
The care models
In the basic insurance, there are different care models, i.e. different ways to access care.
With the basic model it is simple: we do as we wish, we go to whom we wish. That is the most flexible model, but also the most expensive.
We also have alternative models such as the general practitioner (GP) whom we see first, group practices or health maintenance organisations (HMO) with which we commit to consulting first certain contacts within a certain network, and finally telemedicine models where we first have a call with a medical hotline.
What to pay: Premium + Deductible + Co-payment
From a financial standpoint, we have to pay a fee: the premium, which is usually paid monthly.
When we have expenses, a deductible is added to the premium: it is the amount we have to pay before the insurance starts covering our expenses. The basic deductible is CHF 300 and can go as high as CHF 2'500.
And finally, there is the co-payment which is a second amount that we have to pay once the deductible is covered. We contribute to another 10% of the costs, up to a maximum of CHF 700, before the insurance covers the costs fully.
Some examples?
Choosing your deductible
You have to be careful when choosing your deductible. I have carried out simulations on all the insurances and deductibles in order to determine the total costs to be paid by us (premium + deductible + co-payment) to better understand which deductible is the most adapted according to the situation of each one.
We realize that in general we always have the same pattern:?
First the deductible of CHF 2'500 is clearly the most advantageous, up to a certain point, and then we switch to the deductible of CHF 300.
This transition from the purple line (deductible at 2'500) to the blue line (deductible at 300) is found on all models without exception. The decisive point is the point where the two curves meet, around CHF 1'900.
CHF 1'900.- of annual medical expenses, that is the amount that allows to decide which deductible to choose.
Two points to keep in mind:
To save money
Adapting the deductible
But we have to be careful with two points:
Changing the care model
As we have seen before, we can have the basic model but we can also reduce our costs by choosing an alternative model such as telemedicine, general practitioner, or HMO.
Remove accident coverage
It can be included in our basic insurance, but it is redundant if we have a job of more than 8 hours per week, which is normally the case for most of us. In this case, our employer's accident insurance will cover us, which renders the one from our health insurance obsolete, so we can ask our insurance to remove it to save money.
Suspending insurance
If I am going on civilian or military service for more than 60 days, I can ask to suspend my health insurance since in this case it is the insurance of the service that comes into play.
Changing insurance provider
I can use a comparison tool to find out which insurance is the most advantageous.
The official portal of the confederation is free and accessible to all: Priminfo lists all insurance, with all deductibles, for everyone.
It is very easy to use, even though it is not available in English: I just have to enter my postal code (or municipality), my year of birth, the desired deductible, select or not the accident coverage and click on "Calculate". We can even compare with our current insurance.
The site then displays the amount of all insurance premiums from all insurers, which makes it very easy to compare which insurance is the most advantageous.
Apply for a premium reduction
There are subsidies for low income individuals. In this case, the canton helps us to pay a part of the insurance premiums. Simply contact the cantonal institution in charge.
Don't forget
The increase in health insurance premiums is clearly linked to the increase in healthcare costs. Of course, there are administrative costs, about 5% of the total, which are used to cover the administration of the insurance, such as the infrastructure cost, personnel, etc., but the rest, i.e. 95% of our premiums, are really healthcare costs.
To avoid costs in general it is advisable to favor generic drugs, to avoid over-medication or to consult only if necessary. This does not mean that you should never go to the doctor. If you need to, do it!
But above all, the first thing we can do is to make sure we stay healthy. By eating well and exercising regularly, we stay healthy and have fewer expenses.