How to open a faulty DVD-ROM Tray
Fix DVD-ROM Tray

How to open a faulty DVD-ROM Tray

When encountering the faulty opening process of #DVD_ROM_trays, especially, while it's stuck or opens and closes immediately, we have two solutions with which the first one you would be more probably able to use your DVD-Rom for a while as the following:


Opening the circle object

1- #Magnet_issue: DVD-Rom magnets become stronger after long use, you must remove the circle shield of the DVD-Rom located on the center (maybe hidden under a label) with a sharp tool like a blade (no need for opening the whole device at all) , then separate inside pieces of the circle object (there are two parts), then you should either make a small gap between these two small metal things or put something between them and then make them tight like before. it's done and it opens very well.

Replacing DVD-Rom straps

2-#DVD_ROM_Belt problem: #DVDROMstraps get loose after a while, firstly you must make sure that it really is, so untie the front tray so u can see the functionality of the belt from above, if the gears are well-involved and open the door of the DVD-ROM, it's ok, otherwise, you could replace the strap by a new one, of course there are different size of them in the market.





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