How to open, build and deploy a .NET Core Web API 6.0 solution composed by DevUp platform using Visual Studio 2022
.Net Core Web API 6.0 Composition

How to open, build and deploy a .NET Core Web API 6.0 solution composed by DevUp platform using Visual Studio 2022

Build?and?deploy composed code using Visual Studio 2022

  1. Open Visual Studio 2022: Launch Visual Studio 2022 from the Start menu or the desktop shortcut.
  2. Open the project: From the "File" menu, select "Open" and then "Project/Solution". Navigate to the folder where your .NET Core web API project is located and select the solution file (usually with the extension .sln)
  3. Build the project: Once the project is open, you can build it by clicking the "Build" menu and selecting "Build Solution" or by pressing "Ctrl + Shift + B" on your keyboard.
  4. Set the start-up project: Make sure that the web API project is set as the start-up project, this can be done by right-clicking on the project in the Solution Explorer and selecting "Set as Start-up Project"
  5. Run the project: Once the build is successful, you can run the project by clicking on the "Debug" menu and selecting "Start Debugging" or by pressing "F5" on your keyboard. This will launch the project in the browser using the IIS Express.
  6. Publish the project: Once the project is running correctly, you can publish it by going to the "Build" menu, selecting "Publish" and choosing the appropriate publish target. This will create the necessary files to deploy the project on the server.

How to host a .NET Core 6.0 web API on IIS

  1. Install the .NET Core Hosting Bundle: This bundle includes the .NET Core runtime, IIS support, and the ASP.NET Core Module, which is required to run .NET Core applications on IIS.
  2. Create a new IIS website: Open the IIS Manager and create a new website by selecting "Add Website" from the "Actions" menu.
  3. Configure the website's bindings: Set the IP address, port, and host name for the website.
  4. Set the physical path: Set the physical path to the folder where your .NET Core web API is located.
  5. Add the ASP.NET Core Module: In the "Modules" section of IIS, add the ASP.NET Core Module. This is used to forward requests to the .NET Core process.
  6. Configure the application pool: In the "Application Pools" section of IIS, create a new application pool and configure it to use the .NET Core runtime.
  7. Add the website's application: Add the web API application to the website by right-clicking on the website in IIS and selecting "Add Application".
  8. Configure the application: Configure the application's settings, such as the application pool, physical path, and application name.
  9. Test the API: Open a web browser and navigate to the API URL to test that it is working correctly. You may use Postman to test the API as well
  10. Publish the web API: This can be done by using Visual Studio 2022, it will create the necessary files to run the Web API??in production.

Do you know how much effort can be saved using DevUp for creating one application, let’s say a simple Web API?

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