How to open a aroma store near me as a doTERRA rep?

How to open a aroma store near me as a doTERRA rep?

When you join doTERRA you have the option of becoming a wholesale customer or representative, this page will help you desire

doTERRA customers love to buy their oils from a local consultant. From your emails I have receive this is not uncommon. I often hear customers say, "Is there a aroma store near me?" In many cases there is not a doTERRA rep living locally or if there is, they are not very active.

This situation became very frustrating for one of my reps. In the end she decided that rather than wait around for a doTERRA member to call, she would become a rep herself. She didn't really have any plans to start a business or even sell any products. The only thing she could see was the advantages of having her own store so she could buy her own products.


How much does it cost to open a aroma store with doTERRA?

You can open a doTERRA shop for as little as $35 / 20€ / £20 which if you consider how much you spend in the supermarket it is a steal. Just consider for a few minutes what that can buy you for that amount of money.

Not much!

However, there are many other benefits. Joining doTERRA and becoming a wellness advocate will give you the opportunity and allow you:

  • To expect more from life and from yourself
  • To have more choices and not settle for crumbs from others
  • To believe in a future that could be better that your past
  • To offer you family more opportunities live a better life 
  • To offer yourself luxuries you could not otherwise afford
  • To meet people that are willing to help and support you and be existed when you succeed
  • To learn new skills that will stay with you and help you for the rest of your life

These are just a few positive aspect beyond purchasing great oils and the financial benefits. Having a business that allows you to share products that customers want and need is intoxicating for may people. In addition, it allows you to make money from home and share the opportunity with others. 

Considering the fact that you are reading this webpage and pondering the idea of starting a business means you already have it on your mind to be something more. Also other people are also wanting the same. We never know who they will be until they contact us, but there is a trait that all of them have.

That is:

  • They want more than they have!
  • They need extra money
  • They already have a home business
  • They believe that they can make money from home
  • They are passionate about doTERRA products and essential oils

They also maybe family or friends or they simply could be someone in the shopping line complaining about the price of food. The type of people looking for change will surprise you when it happens. Every time you mention to a friend that you have started a business or using essential oils you are sowing a seed of hope in their minds. That hope overtime turns into a decision weather they want more from life or settle for what they already have. This is the same decision we all make at one point or another. An quote I use for myself and my team regarding sponsoring new advocates and that is:

Some will, some won't, so what, NEXT!

This simply means that not everyone will be as existed as you are about starting a home based business.

But, why?

The main and really the only reason is that the timing is not right. They may have other responsibilities that is filling up their time. On the positive side, it also means that they maybe interested in the future, which means following up is vital for success. So, don't worry that success is not on your side, because if you are working with good leader they will share their secrets with you so you are more likely to succeed. 

Aroma Store

The desire to start a business and join doTERRA 

Starting a business is universal and it includes anyone that believes that they want more for life. However, starting a business for $35 means it is a complete leveler. This allows almost anyone regardless of skills, educational level, class, gender or race and to become successful.

Everyone can afford $35 to start a business from home and if they can't, frankly you do not that the desire to start anything. Everyone has a PC or Mac and everyone owns a mobile phone. This means you have all the tools and infrastructure to start a business. Yes, I know that there maybe people in the world that do not have access to this technology, but it is also unlikely they have access to the internet or the skills needed in the first place. In addition, many individuals are simply looking for a job, which means the idea of becoming a doTERRA representative will make no sense to them.


What are the possibilities of becoming successful with doTERRA?

If we start from a worst case scenario.

You will fail and you will loose $35 and some sundry cost! Now this sound unusual statement from someone trying to encourage you to start a home based business.   

However, let me continue...

Let us consider for a minute, if you started a traditional business. Your personal investment is going to be considerable higher. You will need to invest $10000-50000 to get started, depending on the business. In addition the failure rate for all businesses including home based businesses are 80-90%.

Yes, it is 80-90%, which is why many are turned off from starting any type of business. 

The major advantage with the home based model is that you are not investing your life away. OK, yes, running a home business is hard work, but all businesses are hard work, but finally worth all the effort.

  1. You control your own destiny
  2. You can find your own work and life balance
  3. You can choose the people you want to work with
  4. You take on the risk and reap the rewards
  5. You can challenge yourself
  6. You can follow your passion
  7. You can get things done faster with relying on others
  8. You can connect with your customers and clients
  9. You can give back to your community
  10. You can feel pride in building something of your own

Are there is a negative aspect if you become a doTERRA distributor?

When someone invests only $35 they don't invest in the most important aspect of running any business. That is putting the work in and making their doTERRA store a success. A friend of mine when advertising his business would always end with the quote. "Work is required". I am not sure who would believe they could start a business without working, but some people have unrealistic perception of direct sales. So, to make it clear, there is no way for somehow to avoid work in doTERRA if they want success.

Yes, I know, who would believe it, that work will be required to become successful in doTERRA. This is the same in all businesses, including a home based businesses.

How shocking!

10 simple tip for success

The first thing to do is to change your mindset even before joining doTERRA. Remind yourself that you are running a business. You may have invested only $35, but you need to understand that your business is worth tens of thousands of dollars. This may not be in monetary terms, but your investment in time and effort will soon add up, so take your doTERRA journey seriously. 

  1. Set a daily timetable and stick to it
  2. Set up an area of your home for your doTERRA office
  3. Always be an aroma professional
  4. Don’t forget that marketing and advertising the aroma products is important
  5. Find a bookkeeper you can trust and can school you in local tax laws
  6. Write your business plan
  7. Write your short and long term goals
  8. Do your research
  9. Do not ignore the internet and online marketing
  10. Don’t get disheartened

Nobody can guarantee doTERRA success, but this will put you on the right track. However, this list require the business owner to take action. As Gary Vaynerchuk said, "when it all comes down to it, nothing trumps execution".

Join doTERRA

Is becoming a doTERRA rep the most affordable way to start a business?

Yes, most people find that becoming a doTERRA wellness advocate is the most affordable way to start a business. If you originally only want to purchase doTERRA essential oils and then share them with friends you are likely to get your oils for free. However, earning extra money from your doTERRA business opportunity will make everything more affordable including the doTERRA oils.

New doTERRA rep that truly believe they will be successful in doTERRA achieve great results. The success rate is over 60% achieving the rank of Silver by simply sharing the products and supporting and maintaining their sizable team.

Is doTERRA is one of the best home based businesses for people new to the MLM industry?

I would agree with that question for three reasons:

  • doTERRA products are high quality and desirable
  • The possibility of achieving success is higher than most network marketing businesses 
  • The start up cost is very low

So, anyone who wants to become a wellness advocate with doTERRA is in a win win situation with a very low risk factor.

Should you join doTERRA as a Wellness Advocate or a Wholesale customer?

The starting question someone new to doTERRA should ask themselves is:

Why should I join doTERRA?

The main different between being a Wellness advocate and a Wholesale customer is the simple fact that a Wellness Advocate is interested in running doTERRA as a business opportunity. Check the image below for details:

doTERRA wellness advocate

As a part of the doTERRA starter kit (Wellness Advocate) the enrollee will receive:

  • A Free doTERRA website to sell the products to their customer
  • A free back office to administrate their business
  • Free online training to educate them to earn while they learn
  • No monthly fee to worry about when starting a new venture

If you are not ready to join doTERRA at the moment, downloada Free doTERRA product guide on the bottom below. It will give you all the information you will need to make an informed decision whether or not the doTERRA business opportunity is for you.


What type of doTERRA enrollment kits should you purchase?

If you do decide that doTERRA is the opportunity of a life time, there is a selection of doTERRA enrollment kits to choose from. The basic doTERRA introductory kit which has no products is only 35$ (20€ / £20 / 50 AUD)

If you select one of the many product enrollment kits at the starting price of $105 to $570.

Simple Solutions kit:

Price: $105

(15 mL: Lemon, 15 mL: doTERRA On Guard, dōTERRA Serenity and Deep Blue Rub. In addition you receive the doTERRA Wellness Advocate Introductory Packet and the Enrollment)

Healthy starter kit:

Price: $160.00

(5 mL: Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Oregano, Frankincense, 5 mL: Deep Blue, dōTERRA Breathe?, dōTERRA On Guard, DigestZen, and a Brevi Stone Diffuser. In addition you receive the doTERRA Wellness Advocate Introductory Packet and the Enrollment)

Healthy habits kit:

Price: $195.00

(5 mL: Frankincense, Lemon, Lavender, 5 mL: dōTERRA On Guard, dōTERRA Balance, Deep Blue Rub, doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack (including xEO Mega, Alpha CRS+, Microplex VMz), DigestZen TerraZyme, PB Assist+S. In addition you receive the doTERRA Wellness Advocate Introductory Packet and the Enrollment)

Healthy essentials kit:

Price: $249.00

(15 mL: Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint, Copaiba, 15 mL: Adaptiv, doTERRA Balance, doTERRA Breathe, DigestZen, doTERRA On Guard, 5 mL: Deep Blue and Petal 2.0 Diffuser. In addition you receive the doTERRA Wellness Advocate Introductory Packet and the Enrollment)

Healthy home kit:

Price: $350.00

(15 mL: Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Tea Tree, Oregano, Peppermint, 5 mL: Deep Blue, 15 mL: doTERRA Breathe, DigestZen, doTERRA On Guard, doTERRA On Guard Sanitizing Mist, doTERRA On Guard Cleaner, Concentrate, doTERRA On Guard Foaming Hand Wash, doTERRA, On Guard Foaming Hand Wash Dispenser, doTERRA On Guard, Natural Whitening Toothpaste, Brevi Stone Diffuser, doTERRA Salon Essentials Protecting, Shampoo, doTERRA Salon Essentials Smoothing Conditioner. In addition you receive the doTERRA Wellness Advocate Introductory Packet and the Enrollment)

Natual Solutions kit:

Price: $570.00

(15 mL: Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Frankincense, Tea Tree, Wild Orange, 

10 mL: PastTense, 15 mL: doTERRA On Guard, Balance, DigestZen,

AromaTouch, Serenity, Breathe, On Guard Beadlets, doTERRA On Guard Toothpaste, On Guard Hand Wash with 2 Dispensers, On Guard Mouth Wash, On Guard Sanitizer Spray, On Guard Softgels, doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack, DigestZen TerraZyme, Deep Blue Rub, Fractionated Coconut Oil, Salon Essentials Protecting Shampoo, Salon Essentials Smoothing Conditioner, doTERRA Lumo Diffuser, doTERRA Spa, Hand and Body Lotion, Wooden Box, Breathe Vapor Stick, Correct-X, PB Assist+. In addition you receive the doTERRA Wellness Advocate Introductory Packet and the Enrollment)

Note: The 35$ enrollment fee is waived when you buy a product enrollment kit.

doTERRA rep

How to become a doTERRA rep

  1. Click here (Technical advice: Mobile devices can have glitches, for best results use the Chrome browser on your PC or Mac computer)
  2. Note: If you are enrolling from outside the US - Click Here and choose your language and country
  3. Choose your kit (When you purchase a product enrollment the enrollment fee is waived)
  • To purchase the 35$ enrollment, click on the "Individual Products" button and then click on the Bag button on the top right hand side of the page.
  1. Review your order and proceed to checkout
  2. Fill in your details
  3. Choose Wellness Advocate or Wholesale Customer
  4. Enroller ID and Sponsor ID is: 930175
  5. All Wellness Advocate packages includes a free webshop, back office and no monthly fee
  6. Fill in your Shipping details
  7. Pay for your order

Within a short while you will receive an email from doTERRA confirming your enrollment and then in about 3 days you will receive another email from your Enroller welcoming you to doTERRA.

Note for countries outside the US: For Countries outside the United States you will be asked to select either "Wellness Advocate or Wholesale customer" before continuing to fill in your details

If you would like to join doTERRA straight away and open your own aroma store - click on the Learn more link below and add your name and email address below and we will send you a FREE doTERRA guide asap.....



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