How One Restorer Lost Over Half His Revenue Overnight

How One Restorer Lost Over Half His Revenue Overnight

If you’re a disaster restoration business owner, this story ought to make your blood boil! ??

(and, if it prevents even one person from having to close their business for good, then the story I’m about to share with you is not completely in vain)

You see, one of my clients was new to the disaster restoration industry, and he was desperate to get leads for his business.

But the problem was, he had no clue how to safely build various lead sources (and let’s be honest, his franchisor was less than helpful). 

So what’s a guy to do? 

Well, when he searched the internet for “ways to generate direct sales leads for my disaster restoration business,” here were the things that came up:

??Do PPC (pay-per-click)

??Get on your SERM (search engine reputation management)

??Invest in SEO (search engine optimization)

??Join a TPA (third party administrator)

Being new to business, that all sounded good to him. After all, he needed leads today!

So he bought “systems” that claimed he could generate leads at the push of a button.

He paid vendors who said they could get him “the highest ranking in Google.”

He enrolled in a TPA who promised to always “send direct losses to him.”

Guess what happened? 

His business grew. He was successful. ??????

In a few years he was taking his entire family on long international summer holidays while the kids were out of school. ???

He got the big house on the hill and the fancy sports car. ???

He’d made it!

Or had he?

You see, one day he woke up, went to work, and something extraordinary happened…


Nothing at phone texts...NO JOBS!

The TPA he’d been a part of for years, just shut him off. That’s right, completely turned off sending work to him.

He lost over $1M dollars in revenue the year the TPA shut him off. 

Goodbye salary (and Hello work boots). ??

Goodbye vacations (and Hello working weekends). ??

Goodbye beautiful sports car, I’ll miss you (and Hello beat up old work van). ??

Now I know what you’re probably thinking…

“That would never happen to me, I have a great company.”

Of course you do!

So did he.

The point is:

#1 ONLY SUCKERS JOIN TPAs (and he had been duped)

#2 The only TRULY safe lead/referral source is the one you own and control yourself. Otherwise, you can get shut off, you can get shut down, you can get shut out.

It was a painful lesson for him to learn, but after finally accepting the reality of his situation he started learning how to get his own referrals….


In fact, his business rallied.

In two years after the TPA shut him off, he was making the highest revenue his business ever had previously.

At way better margins!

And he did it all simply by having relaxed conversations with local insurance agents in his market - without selling...without stress.

It’s exactly what we’re going to be teaching you how to do on a special training video.

Which you can watch right now. It’s only 27 minutes long.


Now, I know you’re probably thinking…

“But I’ve tried local agents before, it’s never worked. Would this really be any different than before?”

The answer is YES…

(well, as long as you genuinely care about people, do business with integrity, and are open to rethinking how you think about local insurance agents, then the answer is a resounding YES)

And we’d love to show you how.

Or you might be thinking…

“I get referrals from my local agents now. Why should I? Would this help me?”

The answer is YES…

(well, as long as you care, have integrity, and are open to a new idea that will bring in even more referrals from your local agents.)

Now just to be crystal clear…

This training isn’t going to be a bunch of fluff or vaguely shrouded theory…

When you attend, I’m going to show you exactly what’s working in my client’s business right now, and you’re going to get a real world, actionable strategy that you can implement right away.

So if you’re…

?? Sick of paying someone or something else to get leads/referrals

?? Terrified of having too many Revenue Sources in the same basket

?? Disgusted with your lack of control over your leads/referrals

?? And Tired of not having the Revenue you want to live the life you dream

Then our free training is gonna be a breath of fresh air because I’m going to show you a simple stress-free strategy that not only transformed my client’s business but it’ll allow you to generate direct referrals that you own and control.

What you will learn in this free training:

?? How much revenue you could gain from local insurance agents in your market (and evaluate if it’s worth it to you)

?? How to know which agents to work with (and which to avoid like the plague)

?? How to talk to an insurance agent (all without a pitch, a sales script, or gimmick)

There’s no cost to attend, but we only have room for 5 business owners in our current schedule should you decide you want to move forward with us.

So take the training now through the link below!


See you there.


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