How One Event Can Alter Our Behavior And Beliefs

How One Event Can Alter Our Behavior And Beliefs

This download came through in my mediation a couple of weeks ago, and quite frankly, tears were rolling off my face for this one. Good tears. I'm being nudged to share. If this resonates, perhaps it is meant for you too.

It's a story of 2 sisters, a toy, a big misunderstanding, and a huge life lesson.

It's about how our filters/conditioning get planted, how they can grow into adulthood, altering our behavior and beliefs.

Let me set up a scene before I get to the awe-ha.

This story is about two sisters who argue and fight over a toy. Nothing out of the norm here, and I imagine this is common in many families with more than one child. If you have siblings or a parent, you may have experienced something similar and can relate on some level.

I could relate on both levels as a mom of three sons and a sibling from a big family.

Okay, more about the story.

The sisters are 5 and 7 years old. The older sister is shy and introverted, and the younger is outspoken and extroverted.

After arguing for a while about who the toy belongs to, the argument escalates into a fight.

The younger sister grabs the toy out of the older sister's hand. The older sister, who is bothered about the toy taken away from her, tells her mom what happened. When the younger sister gets confronted, she turns the story around because she is scared of being punished. She convinces her mom that her older sister slapped her. She tells a lie.

Mom believes the younger sister's version of the story. She fusses harshly at the older sister, and the older sister gets punished. Younger sister is off the hook.

The older sister is hurt and feels condemned, and the trust between her sister and mom changes. You guessed it, trusting people becomes an issue for older sister. However, for both girls, how they get what they want in life is greatly influenced by the event.

Younger sisters filter to get what she wants in life directs her to manipulate, lie, be bossy, and take what isn't hers. She is carefree and careless about money but gets by in life.

On the other hand, the older sister's feeling of being condemned manifests in a filter that directs her to prove herself constantly. She overworks, is a perfectionist, doesn't have a sense of safety, and pushes people away from getting too close to avoid getting hurt.

Unlike her sister, she feels the need to hoard money and stresses about never having enough, although she does.

Both of the sisters have an issue with controlling but in different ways to get what they want in life.

What if we go back in history and change the story. The two girls still argue and fight over the toy. The only thing that changes here is how the mother reacts.

Instead of fussing at the older sister and punishing her, she doesn't take either side. She decides to explain how everything is abundant in life, and a toy is just an object and doesn't have value in worthiness. She explains that there are many objects in life, but it's not the objects that make us happy. It's the love for ourselves.

As this story unfolded, what spoke to me is when we go after the "apple" in life, we are going after the objects, people, and careers that we think will bring us happiness. If it's out of balance, out of alignment with who you are, it will take you down a rabbit hole of unhappiness and always chasing the next thing without bringing any peace.

The object, the "apple," can never fulfill the love and peace that we crave. I truly believe when it comes down to it, God, the Divine, is asking us to go after the heart, which represents love, not the thing that defines the apple. Love is what speaks to your soul.

The filters/conditioning are just a bunch of extras (not of us) we collected along the way that can block us from seeing things clearly and living an authentic life.

Stay true to yourself, your values, what is in your heart, and life will guide you on a path that feels like home.

Francine xo

ps: If this resonates, check out more about me HERE


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