How Old Are You?
When you get to that age, you may say it’s just a state of mind.?The physical evidence may state otherwise.
But what will your own thinking and behaviours reveal??
If you are given to saying “Not at my age”, I’m too old for that” and the devastating “I can’t wait till I retire”, the chances are that you are a prisoner of chronological age thinking.
Is there a difference between where we are—chronological age; and how we perform—our functional age?
Marian Rabinowitz thought so in The Six Ages of Man and the Inner Time.?A recent book by Zvi Lanir, The Wisdom Years, follows the same path.?
The point is: do we giving up striving, learning, growing, developing? And succumb to decline?
Is it possible that our own thinking, can hasten the decline in our state of health and fitness?
The retirement concept may be the most telling.?If we see retirement as an opportunity for growth, this will obviously have a much more positive effect than retirement seen as the beginning of a life of inactivity and dependency.?
Lanir writes:
“Parallel to decline, we also have the potential for renewal. And the process by which this is achieved depends on us.”
He sees a person’s functional age as being determined by the synergy between 4 dimensions: the cognitive, the emotional, the physical and the social—as per the model shown above.
Rabinowitz said that chronological age is not a reliable indicator of a person’s state of health or of life expectancy.?What actually determines a person’s state of health in advanced years is a combination of:
For each of these, people may perform differently—some may be young in one and old in another age.?Only when seen in combination does the functional age and the personal chronology of the individual emerge.
Lanir says that people may actively manipulate their functional age and create a personal reserve that will enable them to enjoy what he calls the “wisdom years” and postpone old age.
I believe that this may be done through:
So if you still believe that chronology is still a consideration, you may ask “How old should I be to start any or all of the above?”.?
I think that the answer can only be: “Whatever age you are now.”
Next week:?Ray Werndly, Leadership and BoLA
About the Author
Jeff Bell?is Principal of executive consultancy ResultsWise in Perth, Western Australia.?To boost your leadership, ask Jeff about consulting, coaching, strategy facilitation, Band of Leaders Australia (BoLA) [email protected] or Advanced Leadership Course [email protected]. Mobile 0439 988 662.