how the Old Guard aims to thwart the Avant-Garde

how the Old Guard aims to thwart the Avant-Garde

…rehashing as opposed to disrupting


The “definition and scope” of Internet Century Health Tourism (in bullet point form) appears at the end of this article.

Also included there, is a short reference to the “then” and “now”.

running on the spot (a.k.a. “jogging in place”)

…instead of standing still

This story is about the Health Tourism Sector – but it could easily have been a story referring to any other sector.

The point being made in this article is that the Health Tourism conservative wing (known as the old guard and associated with Conventional Health Tourism) is aware that the avant-garde is up to something, and is not standing still – it is, in fact, running (albeit, on the spot).

Just to remind, the avant-garde is represented by Contemporary Health Tourism (a.k.a. Internet Century Health Tourism – with both terms now, represented by ht8).

ht8 fully embraces the concepts, practices and technologies associated with Web3 (including blockchain tech, decentralization, disintermediation, token-based economics and marketplaces).

regurgitating – with a bit of window dressing

…reheating and serving the same old meal – with a bit of salad dressing

Without needing to name names - or aiming to ruffle feathers, it should be obvious that the adherents to - and proponents of - Conventional Health Tourism (which regards the activity as a “need”, and focuses on Medical Tourism or Travel – with a bit of Wellness Tourism, thrown in) represent the Conservative Wing of the Industry (Supply Side).

And as with every “conservative wing”, the Health Tourism Conservative Wing represents the interests of entrenched incumbents – who are change averse and do not want their boat rocked - because they value their “comfort zone” more than the “Optimal Performance Zone”.

Nevertheless, they are sensitive to being branded “stagnant” – and want to demonstrate that “they are on the move” (by going on the offensive, with the aim of thwarting the avant-garde - and its agenda).

As we have observed, they do this by implementing strategies known as “rehashing” and “window dressing”.


· to present or use again in another form without substantial change or improvement (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

· to present something old in a new way or form without any real change or improvement (Cambridge Dictionary)

· use something again without altering or changing it much (

· present with no or few changes (

· reuse (old ideas or material) without significant change or improvement (

Window Dressing:

· things that are of no real importance and are said or done in order to make an attractive effect (Cambridge Dictionary)

· the act of making something look more attractive than it really is, especially when you are hiding negative facts or details (Cambridge Dictionary)

· the act or an instance of making something appear deceptively attractive or favorable (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

· fa?ade (Collins English Dictionary)

· misrepresentation of something, so as to give a favorable impression (DICTIONARY.COM)

· something that is intended to seem impressive but does not have any real effect (macmillan dictionary)

The leadership and champions of the Conservative Wing, for example, incessantly publish books with recycled material – and a brand-new cover.

They go on the conference circuit to talk about the latest trends – but merely rehash last year’s “latest trends”.

And they upload podcasts and conduct workshops to teach what needs to be known – in order to succeed – which is irrelevant and unlikely to lead to success – in the face of a world now embracing concepts, practices and technologies associated with Web3.

For much of the time, they play on the “fear factor” of their audience – by warning of the consequences of “straying from the fold” (the fold meaning the group of people that you belong to, and with whom you share the same beliefs and ideas).

Anyway, and as history continues to re-affirm, it is inevitable that the old will give way to the new.

The world is thirsting for the avant-garde (and the benefits it brings) – which, in Health Tourism, is represented by ht8 (which fully embraces the concepts, practices and technologies associated with Web3).

To rephrase Jack Welch, the former Chairman and CEO of General Electric: “when the rate of change inside a Sector, Organization / Business becomes slower than the rate of change outside, the end is in sight” (“outside” meaning the Marketplace and Market Expectations).

the reason the avant-garde stepped in to replace the old guard

…deal with the shortcomings (in the form of fallacies, deficiencies and failings)

It is because Conventional Health Tourism is associated with shortcomings (in the form of fallacies, deficiencies and failings) that it is being superseded by the Contemporary rendering of the concept and practice – which additionally, greatly augments the activity – in terms of features and benefits for the Market and the Industry.

One reason Conventional Health Tourism needed to be changed was because, it no-longer satisfied contemporary expectations, and thus, was not “today-relevant”.

ht8 brings Health Tourism into line with contemporary expectations - and makes it “today-relevant”.

Transformation was brought about also because Health Tourism, as we knew it, had exhausted its “repertoire” and served its purpose.

On the part the demand side, there was an urgent thirst for something relevant to their “wants” (rather than relevant only, to their needs).

Put another way, the Health Consumer Market was on the lookout for a fresh version of Health Tourism – one that placed more emphasis on “want” (to be enjoyed as an attractive lifestyle choice) – as opposed to “need” (to be endured – due to “financial” circumstances).

The Supply Side, for its part, (straddled by legacy concepts and practices – and seeing its growth stalling) had, finally, become more receptive to innovations such as those underpinning Internet Century Health Tourism.

For both sides, Internet Century Health Tourism was designed to introduce mutually beneficial innovations and practices, which were absent (in fact, inconceivable) in Conventional Health Tourism.


The definition of Health Tourism:

Provision and Consumption of “health-related” Services – which involves some travel


The 8 Health Tourism Segments:

  • Medical Tourism (and its “sub-divisions” – i.e., specialties in Medicine and areas of clinical focus)
  • Dental Tourism
  • Spa Tourism
  • Wellness Tourism
  • Sports Tourism
  • Culinary Tourism
  • Accessible Tourism
  • Assisted Residential Tourism (technology-enabled Housing and Care abroad)

Health Tourism ‘then” and “now”

the Then

  • known as “Conventional Health Tourism”
  • Fragmented (and consequently, Inefficient)
  • A non-Sector
  • a “need” (to be endured and dictated by “circumstances” – essentially, financial)
  • Narrow Scope – the Short Tail
  • a generic entity (a Commodity)
  • associated with “shortcomings” in the form of Fallacies, Deficiencies and Failings (the reason for its transformation and repurposing)

the Now

  • Known as Internet Century Health Tourism (a.k.a. Contemporary Health Tourism – both represented by ht8)
  • Integrated (and consequently Efficient)
  • an Economic Sector (Sector of the Economy)
  • a “want” (to be enjoyed as an attractive, broad-appeal, lifestyle choice – for all - for a lifetime)
  • Extended Scope – the Long Tail
  • a cachet – an entity associated with a brand (ht8)
  • associated with Advantages and Benefits:

  1. Expands the Industry (Supply Side) so that it can address a much broader Market (the Demand Side) – meaning more business for all (in fact, as becomes obvious, ht8 expands the Sector (Industry and Market), as a whole
  2. Re-purposes Health Tourism (from a “need” to be endured - and dictated by “circumstances” – essentially, financial) to a “want” to be enjoyed) – in other words, it has changed how Health Tourism is experienced (by turning Health Tourism into an attractive Lifestyle Choice – and activity)
  3. Makes every tourist / traveler a potential Health Tourist
  4. Makes Health Tourism a broad appeal lifestyle choice for all – for a lifetime
  5. Integrates (brings together) the Health Tourism Segments (to deal with fragmentation and inefficiency) – whilst ensuring that each segment maintains its “identity, distinctiveness and independence” is maintained


Konstantinos Konstantinidis, M.D., Ph.D.的更多文章

