How old faith sets are stopping us

How old faith sets are stopping us

Most of us have been grown up and educated by employees. Nothing against employees though… How many of you have parents being or having been employees?

How many of you have been educated by entrepreneurs?

Our teachers were all employees weren't they?

Now, what are the faith sets of an employee?

  • Obey to what others tell me to do
  • Be happy with what I have
  • Do not reach out to far; You will fail anyway
  • Stay with what you know; It is safe
  • Never take a risk

So it is not surprising we don’t live our dreams, we don’t do what makes us happy.

Some entrepreneurs are thinking, and me too, by the way, that if we do what makes us happy, where our passion is, success and money will follow automatically...

...which will make us even more happy, right?

There is a phrase I like: You are what you think.

Think about the following:

A man, let’s call him Matthew, is on the way to a job interview. Sitting in the train Matts thoughts are something like that.

  • That is not going to work out
  • I’m not good enough
  • there are surely other candidates who are way better than me, must be!
  • I’m not ready
  • I will surely say something wrong
  • I'm not skilled enough

You may laugh now, but let’s be frank for one moment: Did ou never had such thoughts?

Thoughts are energy, electricity. There is a physical law.

“Energy can’t be created nor destroyed. It can only be transformed”

So, everything in the universe is energy. Do you agree on that?

If so, Matthews thoughts are good energy or not good energy? Will the HR human being leading the job interview sense that energy?

Sure he/she will!!

Will Matthew get the job?

So how about if Matthew would think, and by the way already the day before the interview, something like:

  • That will work out for sure!
  • I’m by far good enough, they can consider themself happy having me working for them!
  • there are surely other candidates who are maybe better than me, but I’ll get the job because I want it and I will give 100%!
  • I’m ready!
  • I will surely say something wrong but then I will laugh and show them that I’m not a robot but a human being. If they want a robot that job is not for me anyway!

How does that sound?

Why do you think I said “the day before the interview”?

Because if our fellow Matt goes to sleep with positive and happy thoughts, he will sleep well and enough, instead of turning his head around all night long. So he’ll wake up, rested, happy and ready to rock the world!

As mentioned before, We can decide what we think, after all it’s our brain, right?

Let’s see now how we change such faith sets.

The challenge is that those faith sets are saved like on a computer's hard disk, deeply inside. They are taking disk space. If we now want to delete them by force, by hypnosis for example, than there will be an empty space after.?

As now we live in a world full of people not even being aware of their negative faith sets, the danger is to fill that empty space again with something negative….

So, my personal technique is to reformulate those faith sets and then saving them on my disk on the same spot as the negative on is and so overwrite it by meditating, writing them down and exposing them all over my office, home, bedroom, kitchen, etc. so that I see them all the time.

Now, how to identify those crap sentences in our head? It’s by far simpler than one may think.

  1. Take the decision to be happy: Frankly and from the bottom of your heart! That’s the most import part.
  2. Be awake and aware of your thoughts, therefor try to stay as sobre as possible, eat well and sleep enough! sounds banal but believe me it works!
  3. Write down your thoughts or dictate them into a microphone-based app. what will happen? You will, for sure, identify thoughts that are negative but you don’t know really why you thought them. These are kind of automatically popping up in your brain. That are the ones!!! exactly those thoughts are negative faith sets!
  4. Write them down, not on a computer but by hand with a real pen on a real piece of paper! Why is that important? Because writing by hand activates our motoric skills, which connects our brain to the words and let it save by far better than writing on a computer. Also it activates our cognitive skills, which is always a good thing.
  5. Now let those crap sentences laying around for a while; beside of your bed, on your desk, etc. Now what will happen is the following: You will read it with some distance like you'd read something written by someone else. You will at least laugh about it and wonder yourself how for the universes sake you may think such a stupid thing!
  6. Now comes the most important part. Reformulate those sentences in a complete positive way, as we did before on Matthews example.

Here’s what I mean. You surely all know Mohamed Ali, the greatest boxer of all times. His famous sentence is: “Impossible is nothing” which is a good and positive message, right?

How about this: “Everything is possible”. That’s even more positive.

  1. When you think you've got it now, crumble the paper, were you wrote down the old sentence of faith, burn it or destroy it in a spectacular way, that’s important too, because it’s visual and we are visual beings.
  2. Let the paper with the new sentence enter your brain by placing it all ver the place wher you work, live, sleep. Your new faith set is about to enter your brain, your cells, your whole organism!
  3. Whenever you catch yourself again with a crappy thought, you just say: “stop! And think or say loudly your corrected sentence”
  4. One day, and it won't take very long, it will be replaced and you’ll be astonished how fast it goes!

Try! Let me know how it works.


