How often and when to post on Social Media?
Such a big question.
As I mentioned in the last episode about posting daily, it got me thinking…
What about more than one post a day?
What about when to post?
What about which platform?
As you read up on this, you’ll find tons of variations and different answers.
Everyone has an opinion.
This is just my mine…
More than once a day?
The first question is if you should be posting more than once a day.
I personally do post multiple times a day.
Each platform is different and you can adjust this based on your schedule and available time
I try to post 1-2 times a day on Instagram, 2-4 times on Facebook, once on YouTube, 1-2 on LinkedIn as well as stories.
When to post?
This question is just as difficult to get a straight answer to.
It really all depends on the platform and you audience.
There are even tools out there that will tell you when is best time to post for a specific platform.
The tool will need access to your audience sine that is a big factor.
Just think about it, if you are trying to reach stay at home moms posting times will be quite different than if you are trying to reach single men who go out every weekend until 3am.
When you are starting out and you don’t have an audience, you can always look at trends for the audience of your competition.
The secret is though that you need to learn what the platform likes or will allow and you need to pick a schedule you can live with… then you stick to it!
Which platforms?
Another one to consider is...