How often should you meet with your business coach?
Dagmar Bryant PhD - Empowerment Coach, Trainer and Host of the Angelic Footprints Podcast
Empowering women through life's transitions: Find fulfilment in career, relationships, and personal growth. Unleash confidence, embrace purpose, and achieve your potential.
Before hiring a #businesscoach, read this article first, because today's question is, “How often should you meet with your business coach?”
And the answer is, “Well, it depends.”
I say it depends, because it varies so much between the different coaching agreements that are out there. It depends so much on the way your business coach works. It also depends on how you want to work.
There's going to be a discussion about how often you're going to meet when you have your first initial session, and your initial session is your discovery session with your coach.
That's one of the questions that you can ask your coach, “How often are we going to meet?” and from there you can determine whether that's going to fit in with your schedule, with your lifestyle and with your business.
Because let's face it, we are all super busy people.
What we do want is value for money and we want to see results and that is why I have my sessions with my clients once every two weeks.
Now, does that mean that in between that time that there is no contact?
No, that's not the case at all.
Yes, there are still check-ins. There are still emails and I’m still asking you, “How are you prepared for your next session?”, and, "What you need to do to get ready for the next session?"
So, there's still time to have communication between the two of us in between those two weeks.
I would suggest your coach may say that they're going to meet with you either once a week, once every two weeks or maybe even once a month.
What you really want is to have regular contact with your coach so that you are getting the most out of your coaching so that there is that accountability and so that there is that feedback. Ultimately it's all about that coaching relationship.
How does it work for you? How does it work for your coach?
You are going to be in this coaching relationship for quite some time and many coaches offer longer term relationships with 90 days, six months or even 12 months.
If you're looking at a long term coaching relationship, this has got to work for the both of you.
I hope that's been helpful to you in terms of getting yourself set up with how often to meet with your coach.
I'd love to connect with you if you have any questions about how I work or how coaching with me can accelerate your success.
DM me or book a call today so that we can get your business running to the way you want it to. I hope to hear from you soon.
?Read the full blog on my website.