How often should you inspect your house?

How often should you inspect your house?

Many people don’t inspect their homes unless there’s visible damage or the property is about to go on the market. This approach sometimes ends up being very costly as a home inspection can identify and prevent problems that are visible in the early stages. The saying goes ''the snake you don't get rid of could later on become a dragon'' This is why it is essential to inspect a house regularly.

On average, a certified home inspect should inspect your house once a year. Moisture and termites can damage the structure of a house very quickly. A yearly inspection allows you to identify and address problems early which will save you money from having to repair an extensive damage later on down the line. Homes less than 10 years old can be fine with having a home inspection once every 3 years.

In short, routine annual home inspections help prevent?major issues?from developing in the first place. And yes, even?new construction homes?need yearly inspections.

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