How Often Should Our Business Post On Social Media?
CP- George Glass 2022

How Often Should Our Business Post On Social Media?

Did you know that 95% of people get their information online and primarily through various social media??Every customer or client out there is online and getting their information online.?Even if you feel your business doesn’t sell on social media, say you are only involved in commercial business, I guarantee that those commercial clients look for you and read about you on social media.?Even if it is just looking for a phone number, social media is the tool of the day.

As a social media firm, we constantly get asked, ‘How often should we post on social media?’.?Well the industry standard is 1-3 times a day for effective customer engagement.?This seems like a lot to most people but it is the right number.

When you think of a social media feed, it is basically a time controlled front-page, a time-line of posts.?Each person out there visits the social media site at various times throughout the day.?Each person follows 100+ people or more. If you post once daily the odds of anybody seeing your posts besides the person online exactly at the same time you are, is very low.?Your post will get drowned out by all the other posts and people they follow, pushed so far down in the feed it will never be seen.

This is why it is suggested to post at least 3 times per day at a minimum.?Once in the morning, once around noon, and once in the evening.?This gives your posts the minimal chance of being seen at least once a week.?We say once a week because statistically it takes a person seeing your ad or post 7 times before it actually sinks in.?Repetition is your friend on social media.

We found from looking at over 350,000 posts in 2021 the best posting numbers for you.

  • On?Instagram, post between 1-7 times?per day.
  • On?Facebook, post between?1 and 5 times a day.
  • On?Twitter, post between?1 and 5 Tweets a day.
  • On?LinkedIn, post between?1 and 5 times a day.
  • On?Pinterest, post between?1 and 4 times a day.
  • On?SnapChat, post between?1 and 6 times a day.
  • On?TikTok, post between?1 and 10 times a day.

But what do we post?

This is always the next question we get.?Here is a guideline of the types of posts to send out to your social media platforms.

  • Make two of your posts STATIC/Image only posts.
  • Make one of your posts some form of animation.
  • Make the rest of your posts filmed content or video content.

Ideas for content for great social media posts.

  • Post a review from Google or Facebook of your business.
  • Post your latest sales, specials.
  • Post your latest products or services.
  • Post your history or why you started the business.
  • Post local events happening in your area related to your business.
  • Post a funny MEME related to your business.
  • Post yourself and your morning routine.
  • Post your map location.

Social Media also requires what we call BUY IN.?If you have a business and have employees, even if it is just 1-2 employees, you are always going to have the naysayers.?You have to turn these people around and make them part of your social media program.?Get them to BUY IN to the effectiveness and fun of social media.

Make it part of your employee plan to have employees required to make at least 3 content items per week to start, eventually moving this up to 1 per day or even more.?Successful online businesses are constantly posting employee generated content.?This can be a simple video or picture of new products or services.?Videos or descriptive static posts displaying a service or product in action.?Pictures of the office.?Water cooler talk, anything like that works.

When doing this the primary idea is that customers and clients WANT to know about your business and you are delivering information they want to see and learn.?If you get your employees or even yourself to buy in to the social media program you will be much more successful.

What to post and what not to post.

If you are new to social media or a veteran you have probably heard about the 80/20 method.?This means that 80% of your posts should be not directly selling or pushing a sale.?This doesn’t mean it has to be about something non-related to your business, but it does mean you need to change the tone of the post.?Here is an example of a good daily schedule in the 80/20 format for an online store.

  • 1 – Ad for your primary money making product (direct selling).
  • 2 – Information about material or how something is made for that product.
  • 3 – Review of your business?or product.
  • 4 – Video shop walk through that happens to capture that product.
  • 5 – Meme or funny video.

This series of posts for 1 day covers the 80/20 rule.?The first post is the direct sell with needed sales language and information.?The rest of the posts help push the product subconsciously but are not directly related with sales language.?The reason you want to use the 80/20 rule is that 100% selling will have people tune out.

Another aspect of social media is consistency.?You must be consistent in your posting to keep them relevant on the timelines and impact the feed algorithm.?If you only post now and then, nothing is going to happen.?Make sure to setup a social media calendar of posting and stick to it.

Consistent Posting Delivers Results

  • The more you post, the more chance people have of seeing your post.
  • The more content you have online, the better people can find it.
  • The more you post delivers ‘social signals’ which indicate to search engines that your business is busy. This directly impacts your SEO ranking.
  • The more you post, the more you define your business to customers.

Final Tips.

Every social media platform has an area for a description.?This is the content box where you get to type what your post is about.?Each description you type doesn’t have to be a novel but it should contain,

  • A brief text description of the post or what you are posting about.
  • You business name.
  • A call to action.
  • Your phone number or business info.
  • Trending hashtags related to your business or post topic.


(the image or video goes here)

The Real Social Company of Columbus has Social Media Specials going on today, call to find out more.

The Real Social Company


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The Wrap Up.

The Real Social Company would be happy to give you an evaluation of your social media practices.?We can audit your social channels for you.?We can help train your employees to be good content creators and social media posters, and of course we can take over your social media via our Social Media Management programs.

If you want help with any of your online services including, Web Design or help.?Social Media Advertising or Management. Search Engine Optimization, Google Ads, or anything else, please fill out our form to have someone contact you.

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