How Often Do You Think About The Quality of Sleep?
"When the world goes crazy, sleep as if might you missed nothing but secured sanity."

How Often Do You Think About The Quality of Sleep?

Our life's quality is a product of our daily actions.

Wonder if you think about it and how often?

You wake up in the morning or say when the morning has buzzed off, do you feel its hum?

Does your mood wear you off or is there a feeling of thrill to start the day?

If two positives have been your answer, you have a pre-defined routine, and if not, let's buckle up sooner than never.

I have been a vocal advocate of sleeping early and waking up early. Research has proved that sleeping on time and waking up early improves:

  1. Cognitive function: Makes you able to learn effectively and use your thinking for reasoning.
  2. Sleep Quality: Helps you focus better on tasks that matter.
  3. Motivates to do Exercise: You make yourself bring to bear for healthy muscles.
  4. It keeps you away from Sedentary living: Helps you escape idleness and lethargy.

And the list goes on. The point here is, that your life's quality is one decision away from regulating your sleeping routine.

Well, some may blatantly disagree while living a successful life despite following the early sleeping and waking up philosophy.

However, what they don't know is the later side effects of not following mother nature. National Library of Medicine shows that people who don't work on regulating their sleep routine may encounter:

  1. High risk of Obesity: Obese people may encounter digestive, heartburn, and gallbladder problems.
  2. Uncontrolled Sugar Levels: It may damage your nerves and cause problems with your sight.
  3. Physical & Mental Fatigue: This may cause muscle weakness and a person may find it hard to concentrate on things and stay focused.
  4. Decreased Productivity: It may cause negativity and stress due to procrastination.

And again the list goes on.

All it takes is a decision to put your sleep over anything else. That way you prioritise your health.

This article was about regulating your sleep, the next will focus on our eating habits.

Don't forget to share with people you care about.

Previous Work:

  1. Are You Here To Focus or Get Distracted?


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