How to Obtain a Quote from NYSIR
Did you know...
Getting a quote to become a member of the New York Schools Insurance Reciprocal can be accomplished in a few specific ways.
This fillable PDF application can be completed on your own time and sent to NYSIR when completed. If you need any help, please get in touch with us over the phone, submit questions via email, or even arrange?an in-person appointment to help you.
2. Contacting a New York Schools Insurance Reciprocal Marketing Manager or Representative
David Barreras - NYSIR Regional Manager - Rockland, Westchester, Putnam Counties
Janet Ward / Adriana Melittas - NYSIR Regional Managers - Suffolk & Nassau Counties
John Brady - NYSIR Regional Manager - Western NY, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse
Michael Anthony - NYSIR Regional Manager - Eastern NY, Albany, Capital Region
Eric Calvasina - NYSIR Regional Representative - Southern Tier, Elmira Region
3. Contacting an NYSIR Certified Insurance Representative
Eastern Shore Associates - Central New York and Syracuse Region
NBT Insurance Agency - Chenango, Delaware, Fulton, Otsego Counties
Northern Insuring Agency - Adirondacks, Plattsburgh Region
4. Conducting an RFP
If you have been told by your current broker or insurance provider that they've shopped the district or BOCES policy with NYSIR and it wasn't competitive, or NYSIR declined to offer a proposal, you may have been misinformed.
If your District or BOCES is looking for more information about the NYSIR program or is interested in obtaining a quote, please visit our website for more details.