How to obtain the Objective CO2 label ?

How to obtain the Objective CO2 label ?

Carbon dioxide and carbon footprint: two subjects at the heart of the concerns of road haulage companies!?In the early days, the environmental charter was limited to an intimate circle of companies, but now it has a label: the Objectif CO2 label. A guarantee of the actions taken in favour of the environment and top-of-the-range performance, obtaining this label has become the key to profitable, proactive and planet-friendly logistics. How to become certified? DDS Logistics gives you all the information you need.

The Objectif CO2 certification is a support system for companies in the transport sector to act sustainably in favour of the environment. What is it? How do you obtain it? What are the criteria to be met?

What is the Objectif CO2 label ?

The Objectif CO2 label is a collective programme, initially supported by the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and the Environment (MEDDE), the AFT and ADEME. The label completes the charter originally created. However, it is quite possible to be a labelled company without being a signatory of the charter.

Why obtaining the Target CO2 label is a major asset for your company ?

Your company should be aware of its commitment to the climate and its actions to fight global warming, and should be aware that its actions constitute a serious advantage over its competitors. Stating your environmental actions is a first step. Then, valorising your energy and eco-responsibility results is an important step for your company's proactivity.Finally, obtaining the label proving their performance will give you the edge over the competition.

The Objectif CO2 label is the official and objective recognition of the high level of environmental performance achieved by the company.

The benefits of this ecological commitment are fourfold: economic, environmental, commercial and managerial.

What are the prerogatives of the Objectif CO2 label ?

Following an audit that validates your company's environmental performance according to a strict reference framework, the Objectif CO2 label is awarded to the company for a period of 3 years, provided that the company updates its performance data annually. To qualify for the label, the company must meet :

  • the eligibility criteria,
  • and comply with the standards.

Objectif CO2 is aimed at any company belonging to the road haulage sector (TRM). The rate of subcontracting that will not be labelled must remain below 35% of transport turnover. If your company's non-labelled rate exceeds this threshold value, it is advisable to subcontract with service providers who are themselves labelled to reduce this rate.

The company must achieve the performance level set by the website according to the activity data declared by the company.

The reference performance is taken from HBEFA, the English acronym for Handbook Emission Factors for Road Transport. The performance level is calculated from the emissions of all vehicles.

What is the procedure to follow ?

The Objectif CO2 label does not require prior signature of the charter. However, the application for the label is facilitated when the registration to the charter and the data entry have already been done. Here is the procedure to follow :

  • Create an account on the website
  • Enter information about the company and its activity
  • For each group of vehicles, enter the information for the year N-1: consumption, kilometres travelled, empty kilometres, tonne-kilometres with several calculation methods proposed, average speed
  • Automated calculation of the reference performance
  • Declaration of eligibility (or not) by the platform
  • Carrying out an audit (between 1 and 2 days depending on the size of the company) by an auditor approved by ADEME.
  • Checks the reliability of the data declared
  • Checks the performance threshold achieved
  • Study of the audit report
  • Issuance of the Objectif CO2 label for a period of 3 years
  • Annual update of the company's data throughout the duration of the label

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