The wisdom of the fathers
Two steps or compliances on our part will bring us to the point where God will destroy the “old man” and give us a pure heart. These two steps are consecration and faith. The conditions of justification and regeneration are repentance and faith. We see no mention made of consecration, from the fact that the sinner has nothing to consecrate. He surrenders, which, to the hasty glance, looks like consecration, but it is not the same. It is human wisdom that has tacked on consecration as a condition of pardon. The Bible itself says repent and believe, and we shall be saved.?But to the pardoned and regenerated man comes the words of Paul in Romans 12:1, 2: “I beseech you, brethren, … present your bodies a living sacrifice.” The result, he says, will be a “transformation,” a “renewing,” a “proving the will of God,” which will, he tells us in Thessalonians, is “even your sanctification”.?
If a man desires the blessing spoken of here, the first step to be taken is CONSECRATION. Present all to God. Keep back nothing. Let there be no mental reservation. Let body, soul, talents, time, will, reputation, property, family, and everything, be laid on the altar. This is what we owe to God. It is our reasonable service. It is what all have to do sooner or later. Death compels us to give up all to God body, spirit, friends, land, home, and all. As a compulsory act it brings no blessing. But if we do it voluntarily, the blessed experience of sanctification is the result.?
Let not the reader stop to speculate and doubt, but test the matter faithfully for himself. It is worth a faithful trial; yes, verily, a thousand trials. Some have received the light and rejoice in the deliverance. Let their assurance reassure the reader of these lines. It is true. Only do as bidden by the word of God and by the great crowd of rejoicing witnesses in the land, and the seeker will become the finder, and know for himself beyond all doubt the truth of these things we have written. to be continued
(from "The Old Man" by Rev. Carradine)