How Notion Scales with your Real Estate business
Andy Gaught
Notion Consultant building systems for Real Estate businesses to enable growth, save time and improve efficiency | Real Estate Investor | #andygaughtthoughts
Where do you see your business in 12 months time? How about 5 years…?
Knowing where your business is going is key when making decisions and this is no different when thinking about what tech to use…
You don’t want to pick a tool and then find out you’ve outgrown it or it’s too expensive for what you need.
That’s why this week I’m going to share with you five ways Notion grows as your company grows, to get you thinking about your future needs…
Don’t spend ages climbing a ladder just to realise it’s leaning against the wrong wall…
So why do people choose tools that don’t fit their actual needs?
As a champion of Notion, here are FIVE ways it scales with your business.
#1: Flexible Structure
Notion doesn’t tie you to a rigid structure and although this can be intimidating at first, it provides more options later on.
As your business grows, you can build a workspace that meets your needs.
Notion’s functionality expands as you need it in your business.
#2: Collaboration
Working with others is easy in Notion.
Collaborate together on projects, assign tasks to team members and get feedback on proposals.
For example:
#3: Embeds & Integrations
For ‘richer” Notion setups, you can embed other tools into pages such as Slack messages, Whimsical diagrams, Loom videos, Dropbox files and more…
And for bespoke set ups, the Notion API enables custom workflows with other tools.
#4: Permissions and Controls
As your property business grows Notion helps you control who can view and edit information.
For example…
Share 1-2-1 meeting notes with the person involved, not the whole company.
Circulate confidential company strategy with just your management team
List property management tasks with the appropriate team members
Notion’s sharing and permission control make managing information within your business a lot easier.
#5: Central Location
Storing business information and functionality in one place comes into it’s own as your business grows.
Thanks for reading!