Let’s talk about how there are mysterious things in your past that are impacting your ability to grow your wealth and get organized and focused with your finances. An example is if you are considered a ‘minority’ (not-caucasian/bi-racial/different in some way) and you have some early experiences of knowing you were DIFFERENT, in a NEGATIVE way.


Those memories and how you internalized what that experience MEANT about you could be impacting your ability to receive wealth and grow your money.


Example #1: African American client had traumatic experiences when she was 8 and was paid off (by an adult in her family) to keep quiet. She now has a lot of difficulty (on sales calls) inviting prospects to make an investment in themselves and join her program.


Example #2: African American client remembers her mom telling her how she was harassed in a grocery store parking lot when she was pregnant with her. As a result, said client has always felt hesitant putting herself out there and is scared about her upcoming book launch.


How I address these traumatic issues with my clients (to help them open the wealth floodgates) is by going through a process where we’d access an old memory of what happened, we’d explore the meaning of how you interpreted your experience and how you’re continuing to play it out and hold yourself back in your life today, and then we would enter into a process called PSYCH-K? where we re-write your perception of the event.


First, I have you close your eyes and recall the memory.


Then, using muscle testing, I test for subconscious distress and you give me a distress rating on a scale of 1-10. (most of my clients rate 8+).


Then, we discuss HOW you’d like to re-percieve the event (anything about it - you, your reaction, how you felt, how you interpreted it, etc.). Usually it’s something along the lines of peace and non-attachment or self forgiveness because you were an innocent child for heaven’s sake!


Next, we muscle test to get permission and commitment to be able to transform your perception of the situation from anger (for example) to peace and non-attachment (for example).


We then enter into a whole-brain state (because neuroscience shows us this is the best way to access your subconscious mind and change its neural pathways). The whole brain state is usually a type of position I have you sit in - where you cross your ankles and do a pretzel with your arms (but we have to muscle test which ankle goes first and which arm goes first - this is unique to every one and every session - people who try this at home on their own do not get results).


You sit in your whole brain state and imagine the situation just as you did until your perception of the situation shifts. It usually happens in less than 3 minutes and it’s both shocking and relieving at the same time!


Finally, you pop out of the whole brain position and we do a final muscle test. I have you go back and imagine everything just as you did in the beginning.


This is where it gets good ….


Many of my clients say they can’t really imagine the scenario anymore! Like it’s just gone - nothing is there! ‘It feels so distant,’ they say.


Remember how we muscle tested for subconscious distress in the beginning? Well, we do that at the end as well and the rating is ALWAYS a lower number. Most of my clients end with a 0-2 rating, when they tested 8-10 at first.


How does this translate to RESULTS?

  • when you’re not afraid to ask for MONEY for your services, you sell even more, like $15K a month more
  • when you’re not afraid to put yourself out there, you become more visible, people flock to your MORE and they hire you, like on track to hit highest income ever (even when COVID shut down business as usual)


THIS is exactly what happened with my clients in the examples I illustrated above.


If you’re reading this and diggin’ what I’m saying, I’m sure you’re aware that so much inside of you creates your outside reality. AND - what’s inside of you is 95 - 99% subconscious. It only makes sense that the answer is to truly heal yourself from a traumatic past (whether it’s directly related to money or not) so you can live a much happier, abundant, and more fulfilled present and FUTURE.


The problem is, most modalities don’t do what we need them to do. It’s all talk therapy, journal until your hand cramps, say affirmations until you’re blue in the face, take a course/go to a conference/get ‘coached’ and the needle doesn’t significantly move forward … or things simply go back to the way they have always been. These are CONSCIOUS METHODS of change and if they were all we need, we’d all be millionaires living our ‘best lives’ right now.


I happen to use a modality (and have 10 years experience and hundreds of case studies) endorsed by scientists all over the world (ever heard of the Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton?) which actually gets you OUT of therapy and gives you a LIFE. In literally just a few short minutes (after we do the set up, which I explained in detail above), you can go from hot mess to serious success.


So, if you know you have some deep seated subconscious programming and traumatic experiences in your past creating an invisible barrier reef and making it difficult for you to grow your wealth, get organized and get focused with your finances, then let’s talk.


I have a 90min wealth activation session (all subconscious reprogramming), 4week 1:1 immersion if you are earning less than $10K months and want to learn how to turn your income into wealth (subconscious reprogramming + millionaire money strategy), and an 8week 1:1 immersion for 6figure earners (subconscious reprogramming + millionaire money strategy).


No more talk therapy. No more 2 hour morning routine. No more confusing financial jargon and boring spreadsheets. You and me and YOUR BIGGEST WEALTH TRANSFORMATION ever. Everyone CAN be a millionaire, including YOU.


If you’re interested, simply send me a message. I’ll ask you some Qs to see which program is right for you (the 90min or the 4 or 8week), share info with you, answer your Qs … and if it’s a fit, we can get you on my calendar right away. I have space to work with a few more clients before the end of the year.


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