How NMIT is helping turn the top of the South Island into NZ’s tech capital
Ali Kahwaji, IT tutor in Digital Technologies at the Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT).

How NMIT is helping turn the top of the South Island into NZ’s tech capital

Nelson’s leading tertiary education provider is readying its students for the next wave of tech innovation under the guidance of a globally experienced AI specialist who is supercharging the capabilities of the school’s IT and Computing programme.

Ali Kahwaji, an IT tutor in Digital Technologies at the Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT), spent many years working in the tech sector across all corners of the globe - from being a Senior Software Developer in Iraq to a Researcher at the National University of Malaysia (UKM). However, it was a move to Nelson that set a new career path in motion.

Originally from Iraq, Kahwaji’s family emigrated to the US in the 1980s and once leaving school, he travelled, worked and lived in the Middle East, Southeast Asia.

Coming from an academic family - both his parents are professors - Kahwaji knew he always wanted to teach and the opportunity came about when he and his wife (who was from New Zealand) moved to Nelson in 2018.

After starting his position at NMIT in 2019, he found the role developed into a lot more than he bargained for - but in the best way possible.

“In 2019, my students decided to build a platform, called the Nelson IT Student Association, that would connect those studying with the tech industry, to help with job prospects after graduating. And of course I wanted this too, but for me it went one step further,” he says.

“I was keen to foster partnerships that would keep a young, talented demographic in Nelson, so we didn’t lose them to the bigger cities, or overseas,” explains Kahwaji.

With plenty of buzz and attention surrounding the platform, the initial set-up was a success and Kahwaji saw greater numbers of students and graduates being hired by the IT industry. Then, the CEO from industry body IT Professionals NZ reached out, asking to use it as a pilot across the country and taking a graduate student with it, establishing the position of National Student Coordinator, who was a part-time development lead within their existing student platform.

Kahwaji was rapt by this turn of events and it spurred him on to consider other ways in which he could continue to develop these kinds of connections.

“Moving forward, I saw this as bridging of trust between the tech industry and IT students, and more specifically, my school,” he says.

“So now we’ve held multiple tech weeks and through feedback from our IT advisory board with representatives from Datacom, Shuttlerock, Tasman District Council - Te Kaunihera o te tai o Aorere, and Nelson Ports, to name a few. It has allowed us to build a better prospectus offering, with real-world preparation for students before they graduate.”

Proud of the solid relationship that has been forged between the institute and IT companies and organisations, Kahwaji has seen greater numbers of students going from work placements to paid internships and full-time positions after they graduate.

“What we are aiming for is retention of these young people here in Nelson, rather than them moving away and starting life from scratch in other places,” says Kahwaji.

“It’s about seeing what is outside of the NMIT walls, but also that there are opportunities right here, locally.”

Kahwaji says he was struck by the incredible scenery and culture in Nelson and couldn’t get over how many opportunities there were for growth, innovation and creativity.

“Nelsonians are very friendly, open-minded and considerate people and that’s why I bought my first New Zealand home here. It’s a real melting pot, as a lot of international people come and live here,” he says.

“And just like New Zealand is a lean, agile country, Nelson is also very flexible due to its size and I think that makes for a great incubator of tech and innovation. There’s people from all different walks of life and we’re able to bounce ideas off each other while learning from the various experiences we can all offer.”

From SnapIT to Shuttlerock, BlueBerryIT and many more, there are plenty of successful IT organisations that have helped to put Nelson on the map. In fact, Kahwaji says there’s somewhere around 60 tech companies operating from the top of the South Island.

“I think it very clearly shows that there is a big future for IT here, so stay in Nelson and be a part of this growth.”

After more than a century of nurturing technical skills for thousands of students, NMIT is today recognised as the region’s leading tertiary provider, operating from four campuses located across the Nelson, Tasman, and Marlborough regions. In addition to their IT and Computing programme, they offer over 100 qualifications from certificate through to Masters level, specialising in areas such as aquaculture, maritime/marine, viticulture and wine, and aviation engineering.

In September, NMIT is hosting its annual Te Rangapikikōtuku/Empower festival, where people can take part in cutting-edge workshops in game development, soundtrack creation, robotics and virtual reality.

Kahwaji says it’s all about uncovering practical, real-world applications of skills that individuals may already possess - enabling access and fostering of creativity, as well as inclusivity and cultural respect. He is excited by the prospect of what this could mean for the tech scene in Nelson.

“There’s already a huge interest in it, with some of my Nelson students building the website for the event. This is alongside many stakeholders already saying how impressed they are by the quality of our students and what they are learning. It’s an awesome initiative.”

Kahwaji is currently working towards a Masters of Science (Visual Informatics) research domain in Artificial Intelligence and Extended Reality through the Institute of IR4.0, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM, National University of Malaysia).

Day-to-day, Kahwaji sees his NMIT role as not only teaching his students about technology, but also allowing them to learn, and make mistakes, all while in a safe environment. He says that this is so when they go out into the world, they are well-prepared for what they may face.

“Due to the numerous issues my country went through when I was younger, I didn’t always get the support I needed. So it’s important that my students feel like this is a place where they can give it their all, without worrying about doing something wrong.

“I want my students in the classroom to know they are the heart and the core of keeping this city moving forward and we need them to contribute to bettering Nelson even more so.

“And when I see them growing in their positions and achieving, it's a badge of honour I pin on my chest and I am proud of them.”

And as a final word to those interested in finding out more about how to get amongst all of the tech action in Nelson, he invites people to reach out to NMIT, Empower: Te Rangapikikōtuku, Nelson Regional Development Agency (NRDA), or any other company in the colab.

“Come knock on our doors! We have all the professionals in place if you want to find out about studying, learning or to have a chat about IT. There are so many talented people in this region who are already having some great tech conversations that you could be a part of.”

Story by Erin Harrison in partnership with Nelson Regional Development Agency (NRDA)

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