How NLP helps pain.
Dr Bridget Kirsop
Chief Unsticker Certified Master Trainer and NLP Master Coach at Dr Bridget NLP Ltd Getting rid of Internal Blocks and self sabotage in business owners in 2 days
Did you know that?you can change people’s pain or your own pain using NLP?
The reason we can do this is because pain is an internal process.?Often chronic pain is the result of negative thoughts and emotions and the pain is just created by our unconscious mind to bring our attention to it. Even if we have a physical cause for our pain, there’s quite a lot that we can do to change the way that we perceive the pain using NLP
We create a picture in our mind which includes things that we see, things that we hear, things that we feel, things that we say to ourselves, as well as taste, touch, and smell. These are what we call modalities and every one of those modalities has sub-modalities.
If you think about the picture in our mind it’s either in colour or black and white,?it’s bright or dim,?it’s focused or unfocused,?we’re looking through our own eyes, or see ourselves in the picture and the picture is somewhere specific so that’s at an unconscious level
If we change the sub-modalities of our reality then because the reality creates our emotional state, our physiology, our behaviour, and our outcomes then we actually change?our emotional state, our physiology including the pain and our behaviour.
I always remember, when I first started doing NLP,?I used to have wisdom tooth pain and I could visualise it as white with red jagged bits pulsating in my mouth and creating a lot of pain.?Although I ended up having it removed, in the short term I could actually get rid of that pain by changing the red to white and then reducing the jagged bits and stopping it from moving and the pain would just disappear which was totally amazing!!!
On X-ray, I have a lot of arthritis in my knee joints and it’s never really given me pain – it’s got physical effects because it’s out of line and I’ll probably end up needing it done because it’s probably making the rest of me slightly out of line as well. I’ve also decided to do some hip arthritis and I’m going to end up getting that done but I can actually reduce the pain of that by using sub-modalities changes
The other thing is that every behavior including pain has a positive intention and if we think that our unconscious mind is giving us pain to bring attention to something then if we find out the positive intention of that pain then we can find a different way of picking that positive intention for that pain and then the pain goes.
So have a little think about this and if you’ve got some pain and you think there’s an unconscious aspect to it, if you think that you’ve got negative emotions or beliefs that are helping to create that pain then get in touch because?I can help you.
I’ve done quite a lot of changing pain on a personal level.?Also an attendee on one of my courses recently had a migraine and that we got rid of that in about five minutes so it’s useful to have these techniques.
I don’t want to say to you that all pain can be solved like this because?as an ex- GP I recognise that pain needs investigating. However,?if it’s been investigated and you’ve still got ongoing pain and you think it’s caused by a mindset issue then just?get in touch?because if we get rid of the negative emotions and the negative beliefs about it then the pain will change.
Give me a shout if you’d like to do that and find out more about how NLP helps pain. I shall see you next week
Dr. Bridget