How NLP can help you write a book! Unlocking Possibilities weekly news issue 7
Sarah Fletcher
Helping organisations to unlock potential, improve communication, enhance resilience and personal effectiveness to bring out the best in individuals and teams
This week I received a copy of RAPPORT magazine through the post which is the monthly magazine by the Association of NLP ANLP International CIC . The magazine featured an article I had written about how I used NLP to write a book and become a number 1 best selling author.
Here is the article:
In 1998 my dad gifted me a book called ‘The Prophet’ by Kahlil Gibran. At the time I was 23 years old and had no idea of the significance of this book and how it would play a part in my journey of personal growth and the writing of my own book.
?I was first introduced to NLP back in 2002 at a time in my life when the walls felt like they were closing in. As a newly qualified teacher and new Mum I was experiencing anxiety and low mood and my confidence had hit an all-time low.
??As part of my own journey of self-discovery and growth over the last 20 years, I’ve enjoyed reading many incredibly helpful books. In difficult times, books have given me inspiration, hope, knowledge and a shift in perspective and I have enjoyed sharing these with my students and clients.
?I always said that one day I wanted to write a book that would help people in the way that books I’d read, had helped me. As a huge enthusiast and advocate for NLP I wanted to create something that showcased the transformational and life changing benefits of NLP that was a practical application, as well as principles and theory. ?I had a vision that my book would find its place on people’s bookshelves touching the lives of thousands and creating a ripple effect of support and personal empowerment.
?It was in 2003 that I lifted the book that my dad had gifted me from my shelf, five years after he had given it to me. The timing was significant as he had passed suddenly at age 59 and I was pregnant with my second child. I’d been struggling with my own mental health and had embarked upon a personal growth journey with NLP being a big part of this.
?Inside of the book my dad had written ‘there is some good stuff in here, I hope you remember this book and refer to it over the years’. As someone who had suffered depression and stress all his life, it dawned on me that he had possibly gifted me this book as a way of helping me. He had also read many self-help books but hadn’t been able to overcome his depression. Unfortunately, the depression had prevented him from being emotionally available and our relationship had suffered consequently. ??
?At this time my own journey with NLP was just beginning and I knew back then that I would eventually become an NLP trainer and play a bigger part in the vision of sharing NLP with others. This happened in 2019 after leaving an 18-year career in Education and setting up my coaching and training business.
?This year I turn 50 and I decided that it was time for my book to come into creation. ?I used NLP in many ways to help me write it. Firstly, I worked through some limiting beliefs about being able to write a book and upgraded my identify to being a writer. One of the many delightful and exciting things about knowing NLP, is that you can self-coach and know that you are always evolving and capable of finding a solution to any problem.
NLP Presoppositions
I applied the NLP presupposition of ‘you have all the resources you need or can create them’ to support me in directing my focus and attention in bringing my book to life. I used the well-formed outcome process and the Disney creativity strategy to dream the possibilities, plan the process and implement courageous action!
?The well formed outcome
The well-formed outcome helped me to identify the support and time I would need to write and publish it. I also elicited my values so that I could return to them to help me stay motivated and on track. I had a window of time in December and checked the ecology with my husband of me shutting myself away for 6 weeks to write. ?He was fantastic for bringing me plenty of cups of tea!
Using NLP to support my own writing, motivation, focus and excitement for the book, was incredibly satisfying as I could self-model whilst bringing the techniques of NLP alive in my book.
?self awareness
?The outcome was that it would be easy to digest, and anyone could take the principles and apply them to find magic in their life. Observing myself using the NLP techniques to write the book, fuelled my curiosity for wondering how people reading it would enhance their life because of it. When I was lost focus or got frustrated with myself, I used this curiosity feeling as a way of redirecting my energy and visualised thousands of people connecting through their heart energy and making the world a better place. I could see people smiling and feeling lighter and I saw my book being gifted and shared amongst them. This visualisation helped me to silence the inner critic when I was doubting myself. The feeling of being part of something magical and sharing the NLP vision was anchored into my neurology and every cell of my being felt aligned and congruent.
?Launching the book stirred more feelings of self-doubt and vulnerability. I found that I had become externally referenced and was seeking reassurance and validation that it was good enough to be released into the world.
Limiting beliefs
What I was truly feeling was ‘am I good enough’. Thank goodness that NLP is the swiss army knife of communication, language, and behaviour change. As NLPers we become skilled in self-awareness, flexibility, feedback, and the ability to capture the states that are resourceful and helpful, and those that aren’t. Using the NLP meta model, I clarified what I meant by ‘good enough’ in this context. Who was I comparing myself to, what did I think wasn’t good enough, how did I want to internally represent good enough? ?I returned to my values and positioned myself in ‘other’ rather than ‘self’ position. ?This enabled me to observe and dissociate, so I could focus on the bigger picture of the book and ?my part in the vision for bringing NLP to peoples lives.?
?If you have been thinking about writing a book, then take that courageous action and do it. It’s a wonderful feeling knowing that you have contributed something that you are passionate about and expressed it in the world. Don’t take my word for it though, enjoy finding out for yourself. Remember you already have all the resources you need to make it happen.
You can get your copy of? KISS your life’ the CALM guide to keeping your life successfully simple – by Sarah Fletcher from my website here
?If you are struggling to get started or would like some help to get organised, create your ideas, overcome procrastination and feel motivated, then get in touch and to see how I can help. NLP is a great tool in helping achieve your goals!
Rest and reset
It's our holiday time here at Unlocking Possibilities. Louise Myers has been sunning herself in Greece. Kelly Walsh is camping with her family. I'm off to Italy with my family on Thursday, then Scotland and then Turkey. After spending such a long time in Education and having 3 children, I plan in August for rest time as lots of our clients are away too.
I hear of many business owners who get creative whilst they are away and come back with lots of ideas. This is great if that works for them, but it's not for me. I love to be present with my family and enjoy switching off from my business. After spending so long in Education where holidays weren't really holidays, I made a commitment to myself that time off was fundamental for my health and wellbeing as a business owner. So next week I will be taking a break from social media and putting my out of office response on my emails whilst I sun myself in Italy and spend some quality time with my husband. He has been working on the extension of his bar over the last few months so he is also very ready for a break.
The coaching collective membership
This week we had our second zoom session of the month for the coaching collective. This is for NLP, mBIT or other certified coaches who want to be part of a community to help them grow their business.
?Not everyone who comes through our training wants to be a coach. Many people who attend NLP training are in senior leadership roles, education, health professions, business owners, HR and other professions wanting to apply the practical language and communication methods in their role to improve relationships, resolve team issues, learn effective feedback models, improve team performance and create cultures that thrive.
However some people who attend our training run private coaching or therapeutic practices and want support in growing their business. The coaching collective is a new arm to the business and although the membership only has a few members, we are developing it and listening to what our members need to help them grow a successful coaching business.
So far the coaching collective has twice monthly zoom calls for business development, a coaching practice session to increase confidence and competence as a coach and monthly masterclasses for continued personal and professional development. If you are looking for a coaching community of support and growth then we would love to invite you in to our collective for ï¿¡47 a month with no minimum term contract. If it's not for you then you can leave at anytime.
You can join us HERE
September NLP cohorts and training
August is a quiet month for delivery but not a quiet month for planning.
We are currently enrolling for our final two NLP open course Diplomas delivered in Blackpool or online. This is our 3 day transformational personal development course that for many is life changing. You can read the reviews on FACEBOOK or TRUSTPILOT to see for yourself what people say. This is a 3 day immersive course learning and applying the foundation principles of NLP for personal change, improving happiness and mental wellbeing, improving relationships, understanding yourself and others better and ultimately have a better quality of life.
Whether you are looking for a change in career direction, fed up with feeling stuck and lethargic, stuck in unhelpful habits, want to achieve a goal, caught in stress, anxiety and worry, have mental health struggles. Or you are curious about how people make the best of themselves, how they feel good, how they courageously follow their dreams, how they have relationships that thrive, how they break free from mindset limitations and how they LIVE everyday, then this is for you.
This is certified with the association of NLP and is the first module of the NLP practitioner should you wish to carry on with your NLP training.
The September dates are 13th - 15th 9-5pm and the November dates are 22nd - 24th. Once you have booked you can get started with the FREE bonus course 'Quickstart to success' today.
You can book your place HERE
Practitioner training
Once you have completed the Diploma many of our students continue their own personal journey and want to learn more to use NLP in their professional roles. NLP is the best modern method for effective communication, transformational behaviour change and self coaching. Professionals in education, leadership, coaching, therapy, health, sports, sales, HR and business owners attend our courses to learn the art and science of unlocking their own and others potential. The NLP practitioner is a 5 month learning journey with plenty of opportunity for practice with others and self reflection. There is also an opportunity to complete the NLP coach certification alongside the practitioner.
The Practitioner is ï¿¡1997 inc VAT and can be attended in person or online. Payment plans can spread the cost over 6 months. You can find out more HERE
The NLP training pathway takes you from the diploma through to the master practitioner and the coach certification.
Contact me on to arrange chat about the pathway. We also offer this as in house training for personal development, leadership development and in house coaches who are looking for an enhanced toolkit when supporting others.
Next week we will tell you about other training opportunities that we have coming up for the rest of the year for leaders, business owners and educators.
This weeks Podcast episode - Do this if you are feeling stuck
Did you know that the way you move your eyes gives you information about how you are thinking about and processing your experience? In NLP we call this eye patterns and cues.? I like to call it eye clues.
Sometimes we get stuck in overthinking with the negative committee shouting loudly and telling you off. Or you might be thinking in pictures imagining a horror movie in your mind of something going terribly wrong, or ?remembering a past experience that caused you to be upset. You might be stuck in an emotional funk that you struggle to get out of when you’re in it.
?The good news is that you can change how you are processing information by the way you move your eyes. You can learn to notice what you are doing on the inside that is causing you to feel stuck.
?With this self awareness you can move your eyes and intentionally create a new internal experience! When you change what you do on the inside, how you experience the world on the outside changes.
?It’s incredibly empowering knowing that you can change how you feel in an instant.
?Give it a go and let me know how you get on. Tag me on Instagram @sarahfletchercoaching
Listen on APPLE
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watch on Youtube
If you love listening to the podcast then we I would be super grateful if you could leave a review as this helps it to reach more people. Thank you ??
We would love to work with you
- Business owners
If you are a business owner looking for business coaching support then get in touch to book a free no obligation call to get to know me. On the call I'll ask a few questions to get to know you and your business and I will let you know what coaching with me is like and you can decide from there. The business coaching package involves 6 x 90 minute sessions over 12 weeks focussing on your personal growth for your business growth. Often sessions involve working on areas such as confidence, self belief, emotional regulation, reducing stress and burnout, communication, procrastination, decision making and much more. All of the 'internal' processes that can limit your potential and growth. Unlock your potential and watch your business fly!
- Team development
We would love to support your team to thrive. We are passionate about people and the potential of people. Our team development training focusses on effective communication and coaching skills, empathy and understanding, team vision, problem solving and creative thinking, mindset and perspective shifting, expansion in thinking and behaving, achieving outcomes. These sessions can be delivered in 2-3 hour workshops or we deliver a 20 hour programme spread over 3 full days or 6 half days where delegates also receive an NLP certification.
- Leadership
We deliver a two day in person or online leader as a coach certification. This is NOT a traditional coaching method. It is a transformational 2 days where you will be learning essential coaching skills through harnessing the intelligence of your brain and body. You will learn how to connect in with the intelligences of your head, heart and gut and how to communicate with your own and others multiple brains for effective communication, decision making, taking action and building a culture that thrives.?
Research shows that great leaders lead from ALL of their brains, head , heart and gut.
More than ever leaders who can harness their emotional intelligence as well as analytical thinking, is crucial for the success of an organisation.?The next 2 day course delivered in Blackpool is 24th - 25th September 9.30-4.30pm at my training venue. We also deliver this in house to leadership teams. Find out more HERE or e mail to discuss this in your organisation
As always thanks for being here and taking the time to read our news ??
See you next week
Sarah & the unlocking possibilities team