How Nice Is…? Global Niceness Mapping and Rating
We grow up and we live affected by Niceness.
The niceness of Nature and man-made Niceness (in wider sense civilization). We can say that Nature is nice by itself, unspoiled nature, even “groomed” nature. Still, there is always nicer, more pleasurable areas that we would rather visit or build our life in or near that areas. But rarely nature is not nice or ugly; On the other hand, civilization can be extremely ugly but also absolutely beautiful and tantalizing.
Niceness is abstract but obvious. What is really unique about it is that everybody understands it in almost the same or very similar way. That’s not the case with any other abstract form, like art, music…
The Niceness we are mapping and rating is outdoor Niceness, which affects us all. Street level, city level, regional…
History of Niceness hasn’t been written.
Niceness was never measured and mapped, until today. We didn’t have tools, technology, enough processing power etc.
Shouldn’t property buyer know that the Niceness of the area is slowly dropping or rising? Shouldn’t traveler know that the Niceness of the area has suddenly dropped? How long will it take it to recover? Walk an extra mile to see a nicer beach?
We believe yes. And that is what we will deliver through our platform; the real picture of ever-changing Niceness.
This project is From Humans to Humans, using latest technologies.