How the NFL can fuel the cannabis golden age
Barry Gipson
I connect Dallas Cowboys fans at LIVE events annually and share my weekly Next Level Game thoughts on cannabis for veteran content creators. ??
Does legalizing cannabis under the current administration make sense? Here's why all 32 NFL teams would immediately have their strains in the game.
24 Karat Magic
I keep scrolling through YouTube, searching for the first video of Donald Trump signing an executive order to legalize cannabis under his presidency. It just makes sense, but I haven't had any luck yet. I know that's not how it works. Im just saying.
Under the current administration, the likelihood of cannabis going legal looks more promising. Why? The BLUE team previously promised that the?More Act of 2019?would fully legalize cannabis if they were elected. That never happened, so now the RED team has the ball.
The National Football League (NFL) has reached an agreement with its players union to further reform its marijuana policies, significantly reducing fines for positive tests while increasing the allowable THC threshold for players. ~Marijuana Moment
Here's how the NFL can fuel a cannabis golden age in America. Que up Bruno Mars' 24K Magic. :?"I'm a dangerous man with some money in my pocket. Keep up."?This is not a matter of IF but only WHEN. Imagine the NFL and your favorite team strains in the cannabis game.
My goal for this newsletter is to see what potentially comes to fruition with the RED team. If I knew President Trump, as I think I do, he wouldn't miss a chance to capitalize on this budding industry. This is not a prediction but more like my holistic intuition. It's not about WHICH team legalizes first that matters. Can the RED team finally fuel the cannabis golden age in America?
Cannabis Content Capitalization
I'm discovering the secret to creating cannabis content on LinkedIn with NLG. When brainstorming what to cover in this week's edition, I felt it was time to open the political can of worms. My goal is not dissension among my connections. It's the connection and education among veterans on LinkedIn in the name of cannabis.
The long game is for veterans to develop a plan to capitalize on cannabis legalization when it happens. Veteran content creators, are you paying attention? Opportunity is knocking. My newsletter will provide veterans with information to help create this game plan. Demonstration beats conversation in 2025.
In the United States, cannabis is legal?for medical use in 39 of the 50 states and for recreational use in 24 states. It's not a matter of IF, but WHEN all 50 states will finally get into the cannabis content game. By then, everyone and their mother will be ready to play. What if the RED team fails to deliver?
The RED team has the ball in their court. I will follow the cannabis industry and legalization closely and share the NLG RED team's developments with you each week. In addition, I will share tips for veteran content creators on how to start capitalizing on cannabis this year.
I often say you must drink or smoke something to deal with the Dallas Cowboys every season. It's true. My team receives the most hate on social media because of big media-driven narratives. I like it that way: You either love us or hate us. It's kind of like cannabis: You either love or hate it.
I drank alcohol for 23 years while in the NAVY. After I retired in 2016 and discovered cannabis, my life changed. I put the bottle down and picked up the JOINT. Not waking up hungover is the best. I get the best sleep now as a result. As a medical cannabis card holder, I choose to manage my mental health with a plant, not a pill.
If you can go to your favorite NFL team's game, get drunk, and drive home under the influence, why can't those who prefer to medicate with cannabis do the same? Maybe NFL fans wouldn't bash my team so much if they put the bottle down. Chill out, haters.
The RED team is promising a new GOLDEN AGE in this country. Will cannabis become part of that game plan? Only time will tell. Remember to subscribe to my newsletter today to stay informed this year, veterans. Once cannabis is legalized, you can bet the NFL will have its hands in the cannabis jar. It just makes cents. See you next week. Happy Presidents Day.