How News-Style Copywriting Became My Secret Weapon to Million-Dollar Marketing Triumphs
In my 30+ years as a copywriter, among the many techniques that have proven successful, one that has consistently stood out is writing news-style copy. I’ve built a lucrative career around this approach, and you might even say it’s been my ultimate Trojan horse.?
In today’s special message, I’ll explain why you should begin using this highly lucrative sales technique to market your product or service.
But first, let me begin with…
What Is News-Style Copy?
News-style copy is advertising content that mirrors the tone, style, and appearance of a news article.?
It’s more about telling a story or sharing information than it is about blatant selling.?
This style subtly promotes a product or service while providing valuable and engaging content to the reader.?
Why Is It the Ultimate Trojan Horse?
The brilliance of news-style copy lies in its subtlety. It sneaks past the walls that many consumers have built against traditional advertising, just as the mythical Trojan Horse did in ancient Troy.
Here’s why it works:
My Journey to Millions
When I first began incorporating news-style copy into my direct-response advertising campaigns, the results were immediate and staggering.
?In fact, my magazine-style direct mail promotion for The Retirement Letter, called “The Great Retirement Betrayal,” is a platinum-selling promotion. Mailed to over 25 million households, it generated millions of dollars in subscription revenue for my client and made me over $260,000 in royalties.?
The secret to its success: It looked like Time Magazine?
My second big news-style winner for Smart Money with The Dolans, called “Tap the Hidden Wealth Inside Your Paycheck,” was another mega-hit winner, mailed to over 10 million households, for which I was paid another $100,000 in royalties.?
It was designed to look like Money Magazine.
So it’s no wonder that these two promotions were MONEY!?
Which is why I continued and honed this approach, by targeting the wants, needs, and desires of my prospects and then weaving compelling narratives that resonated with readers—all using the news-style approach.
That’s the real secret behind this approach.?
When your copy looks like and reads like the news, you’re a whole lot more likely to get your prospect to read it than if it looks like a sales pitch.
The millions of dollars I’ve generated for my clients and myself are not just a testament to the power of news-style copy and how it almost automatically connects with your audience when you are targeting their wants, needs, and pain points.
?This is why these other promotions were so successful:
And it’s all because news-style copy not only brings them in but also can educate and sell just like an infomercial.
This is why news-style copy has been my number 1 technique of all. Because it works!
I’m not the only one who believes in the power of news-style copy.?
And it’s all because news-style copy engages the reader’s intellect and curiosity, not just their wallet.?
The bottom line here is this:?
?When you share a story you are more like to win a customer than just trying to sell them a product.?
For these reasons, if you’re looking to revolutionize your advertising strategies and connect with your audience in a more engaging and trustworthy manner, consider the news-style approach.
By embracing this method, you might just find that news-style copy becomes your ultimate trojan horse, unlocking new opportunities for growth, connection, and success in your marketing endeavors.
All good wishes,?
Doug D’Anna
PS: Want to Learn More?
?I invite you to explore my?“$100 Million Copywriting Formula swipe file no. 1”? to access prime examples of my news-style approach.?
?These selections, hand-picked to inspire, showcase headlines, leads, transitions, and arguments that have not only helped to generate over $100 million in sales but also can help you to improve your results.
In this swipe file, you’ll discover tactics from my most successful news-style promotions, including:
Each example offers actionable insights to enhance your copywriting strategy.?
Grab your copy for inspiration and success in your next campaigns.?