How this New Corporate Culture is Helping Employees Polish Their Skills
Yesterday, I was having a late night discussion with my cousin.
He is a full-stack developer with 11 years of experience.
My brother was telling me how difficult it was to learn new skills a few years back.e
Resources were limited. The Internet was in its early stage.
So, employees had only two options:
Either they could continue working with the expertise they had or they could put extra hours practicing things on their own.
Even companies couldn’t do anything because they lacked resources who could teach new professionalisms to employees. So, they wished that their employers were already trained so that they don’t have to spend time training them.
But now enterprises have started realizing that employees don’t come per-equipped with talent. They have to be guided, mentored, nurtured, and made better instead.
Hence, businesses are encouraging their employees to join online courses so that they can brush up their capabilities and improve.
This has resulted in the origin of a startup culture called e-learning.
Here’s how it’s helping both employees and the company:
- They’re feeling more confident and satisfied with their job. The zeal to learning something new keeps them going
- Their learning curve is expanding
- Staying updated with the technology has become easier for them
- They can now see where they’re lacking and can improve significantly
- Witness a positive work environment as everyone is busy in learning
- They don’t need to hire new people. Instead, they can train existing ones to acquire new proficiency
- Companies are seeing an increase in their productivity
In short, it’s a win-win situation for both the company and the employees.
Yet, has anyone benefited from this?
Yes, Me. These online courses have helped me a lot.
Applify (the company where I work) has given free access of the online skill learning website, lynda to its all employees. It contains a myriad of courses related to designing, development, management, and marketing.
The platform has helped in clearing my many doubts, acquire new flair and emerge as a better professional. You can do the same.
Go through various skill learning websites, take demo classes, and then decide from which website you want to have your online course.
Good luck!