Pro Talent Specialist Recruitment
A team of specialist recruiters in IT, technical, insurance, finance, sales, marketing, logistics and administration.
How to negotiate a salary increase
We are living in a very difficult time. Our economy has taken a knock. The world is trying to recover from a pandemic, in certain areas of our country we are still recovering from riots and flooding. It is safe to say that South Africa has been through a lot these past couple of years. Companies have had to retrench staff; people were forced to take salaries cuts and most employees have not seen an increase in 3 years.
Whilst our salaries dropped or remained the same, our cost of living has gone up. In April 2019 the fuel price was R16.13 per litre, Diesel was R14.88 per litre. Today the petrol is R23.46 per litre and Diesel is at R23.92 per litre. BusinessTech did a study in March 2022, where they compared the price difference of 44 core food items such as cake flour, cooking oil, potatoes, egg etc., The study used prices from March 2021 and compared it to the prices in March 2022 and the core food items increased with an average of 10.2%.
In the past year in recruitment, I found that the majority of the candidates applying for positions are in need of a better salary. It is a major reason to why candidates are looking for alternative employment. In most cases candidates are looking for a substantial increase in salary. I always ask the candidates to tell me why they want such a substantial increase, the response is almost always the same:
·???????I need to take extra traveling cost into consideration.
·???????I just had a baby and I need the extra income.
·???????The cost of living has gone up.
·???????I have not had an increase in 3 years.
·???????I used to earn that amount before I had to take a salary cut due to covid.
Whilst all those reasons are valid, and I do sympathise with my candidates, it is not the reasons that companies want to hear. I was also once in the same position where I was overworked and underpaid. I absolutely loved my job function, but it became impossible for me to survive on that salary, and I had to start looking for alternative employment. When companies ask you why you believe that you deserve such a substantial increase, refrain from using your personal circumstances as reasons and focus what you bring to the table. Here are a few examples:
·???????I have a steady employment record and will show that same loyalty towards you.
·???????I have been underpaid; I should be paid more than what I am being paid. If you give me the opportunity, I will prove to you in 3 months that I can be an asset to your company. ?
·???????I have a BCom qualification, and I devote myself to continuous development. You will notice on my CV that I also completed a lot of courses through Udemy, LinkedIn Learning and Google Learning.
·???????I am dedicated to my work. I focus on the results, and I will be the first one in the office and the last one to leave to ensure I deliver on expectations.
·???????I have achieved a lot in my academic and professional career. You will see on my CV that I was the Top Performer in my previous company on various occasions.
·???????Whatever I do not know, I will learn. I am a fast learner and I pick up quickly. (The biggest challenge companies are facing with new recruits is the inability to hit the ground running. Companies do not have the time or resources to invest in a lengthy training. They need candidates that pick up quickly and can think on their feet)
Companies care little for your personal circumstances. You need to understand, that your newborn, your husband losing his job, the rising cost of living is not their responsibility. They want to know why you deserve such an increase and how you will add value to the company.
The next time they ask you these questions, remember what you are worth. Remember what your qualifications, skillset, achievements, and attitude will bring to the table. Answer the question with confidence.
You need to believe in your abilities, and make sure you communicate that!
With Love
Marizaan Bruwer – Talent Acquisition Specialist (Insurance) at Pro Talent?