How to negotiate for a better job offer
Infinity, Stamford Technology Solutions
Accelerating Customer Growth...
No matter how strongly you desire a job, they are rarely handed to us totally on our ideal terms. Following a good interview, a job offer may be up your prospective employer's sleeve, so what do you do when the package is not quite what you expected?
Your choices are: accept the position on their terms, negotiate the offer to accept or decline. We’ve got some job offer negotiation suggestions to help you get the most out of your next major employment.
It starts with the salary talk. Essentially, negotiating a job offer begins during the interview process when the topic of pay expectation takes place. At this early stage, you are already letting your prospective employer know what you think you’re worth; therefore, always go into an interview having researched current industry salaries. When you hopefully receive a job offer, you’ll know whether it’s practical and reasonable.
Even if you want the work, consider the full pay package, not just the salary.
What to do after you receive the job offer. When evaluating a job offer, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and quickly accept on the spot, yet it’s crucial to let your prospective employer know that you need some time before responding. This will help you assess the employment offer to be totally confident that it is suited for you and your lifestyle.
You are evaluating the employment offer. Even if you want the work, consider the full pay package, not just the salary. While remuneration is crucial, you may believe that certain bonuses and perks justify a smaller wage. Before taking the post, evaluate how the role will affect your everyday life, encompassing commute time, work hours, and business culture.
When you decide to negotiate, so after a careful examination, you’ve decided that you’d like to negotiate a better offer. Before asking for better pay or extra benefits, respectfully thank your prospective employer for the offer and convey your joy about the employment. When making a counter-offer, be mindful that your expectations may not be realized. Remember, negotiations are two-way. Showing that you’re willing to compromise will stand you in better stead for a future working with the organization. If you’re stubborn, the employer might offer it to someone else.
When you decide to accept. Even if you’ve accepted a job over the phone, it's a good idea to write a job acceptance email or letter to confirm employment facts and formally accept it! Your email or letter should be addressed to the person who offered you the employment and includes:
When you decide to decline, similarly, when declining a job offer, you should write a polite email or letter that is succinct and to the point and which avoids offering any specific reasons for your decline. You may believe the money was not enough to make ends meet, or the hours would have driven you into the ground, but for parting on good terms, don’t mention it.