How neat is your folding?
So the first letter you fold is perfect. You take time and pride in your folding.
So is the 2nd and the 3rd.
When you get to the 20th you’re getting a little lax.
As you hit 30 letters you’re bored and rushing.
Letter number 40 is a shambles.
You had to re-do the 50th letter because it was an embarrassment!
And don’t even get me started on ensuring the address is in the window. Postcodes aren’t that important surely?!
When you are sending out anything to your clients or new potential customers you want to make a good impression. Not only does a folder inserter accurately and neatly fold each letter it also saves time and could pay for itself!
If you were to pay an office junior £6.50 p/h and it takes them around 30 minutes to fold and insert 50 letters each day, which will cost you £16.25 a week for their time.
A basic tabletop folder inserter would cost you from £14 a week and do those 50 letters in 3 minutes.
If you are doing 50 or more letters a day a folder inserter will pay for itself. Even more so if your human folder inserter is paid more than £6.50 p/h.
We had a little race over on Twitter, to see if anybody could beat our machines. Maybe have a little lunch time race to test and see who can fold and insert the quickest in your office. I would imagine the average is about 10 seconds into a windowed envelope, where a machine will take 2.8 seconds.
Feel free to join in our #FolderInserterRace over on Twitter, or just post your time below!