How navigation impacts your User Experience and ROI

How navigation impacts your User Experience and ROI

How navigation impacts your User Experience and ROI

Navigation plays a crucial role in customer experience. If done right, it positively impacts a company's KPIs and ROI. Furthermore, companies who invest in UpToDate navigation systems could increase customer satisfaction rates, lower support costs, improve brand experience, and grow market reputation. Urbi's Navigation system supports all this and more, as it is the ubiquitous tool to build business intelligence around your logistics and customer interaction.


Customers that utilise wayfinding solutions are looking for a simple goal: arrive at their destination in the fastest, easiest and least frustrating experience possible.?We have all felt frustrated when a location map is not updated, and it quickly risks your journey mood. Well… challenge accepted!?Urbi provides the latest navigation technology and the most accurate data system your company and your users deserve in the market.?

Urbi navigation promises 95% up-to-date location data from daily data collection and creation. Moreover, the geo-expert platform integrates the turn-by-turn feature facilitating users' journey considering walls, obstacles, stairs, escalators, and elevators. As a result, customers, delivery services and community members can finally confidently, clearly, and accurately navigate any place.

As a business and government intelligence solution, Urbi technology enables you to increase your productivity efficiently regarding logistics and community experience drawing personalised schemes for any residence area, malls, museums, hospitals, airports, stadiums, arenas and more.?

Urbi's simple and uncomplicated navigation will allow your users to access the valuable journey you want to provide and benefit your business structure. How??

-???On-Premise:?One of our most significant tools, on-premise data, provides all Urbi clients with the opportunity to securely and independently manage sensitive information in their business, government or authority structures.?

-???Accurate data and up-to-date cartography:?Urbi navigation tool collects and updates information daily, identifying all kinds of unexpected situations such as road closures, traffic jams and unexpected events.?

-???Design enhancing your experience:?Our Urbi detail mapping and innovative design will significantly increase customer realistic journey satisfaction.

-???Brand image and reputation:?Our exact data representation will develop a smooth journey for your visitors, providing an essential sense of transparency and credibility about your travel information.?

-???Planning and budgeting:?As an add-on, you can include clear forecasts of journeys, including arrival time, duration and consequently, the cost of the travelling.

-???All-in-one experience:?The current route and all information about upcoming orders are visible on one screen. Urbi navigation can be integrated into apps, avoiding the discomfort of switching between different applications.

-???High-quality and fast search:?Our search system helps users find addresses faster.?

-???Navigation offline:?Our on-premises version provides offline access to locations and routes.

-???Expert care:?We care about the success of our customers. Whenever you install our products, our team will advise and support you through the journey and stay in touch with our customers' tech offices.

-???Reporting success:?Insights can be optimised to provide reports that could include the frequency of visits and similar details.?

Shape, transform and modernise your business user experience and benefit from ROI results through the best built-in navigation experience you can offer your consumers with Urbi technologies.


