How To Navigate Marketing Office Politics for Revenue Growth
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How To Navigate Marketing Office Politics for Revenue Growth

Marketing Operations Governance may not be as electrifying as a stadium concert, but trust me, understanding this can be your ticket to marketing excellence and especially revenue growth!

The reason is your buddies in the Sales Department.

Do you have strategic harmony with them?

Can you play the right office politics tune?

Think of it as crafting that perfect melody for the recent Taylor Swift hit song, "I Knew You Were Quarterly Trouble".

And you want Sales singing in time with you in Marketing better this quarter than the last.

But how?

?? Know Your Governance Notes

How do you balance your Marketing strategy with Sales' revenue expectations?

Let's explore the four marketing governance models that shape your journey towards both strategic success and revenue growth in harmony with Sales.

Each model is mutually exclusive. Your company will be practicing one. It's your job to discern which one defines your current corporate culture.

For your interaction with Sales will be ruled in accordance with whichever model predominates.

Each model is political, enables various degrees of success and contains the seed of its own destruction.

So discover the model that applies to your organization below and ready yourself to play the politics of the musical score assigned to you at your company.

1. The Collaborative Monarchy: "Leading With A Unifying Score Sheet" ??

Imagine a leader or single team orchestrating the show. They're the main conductor, but remember, even an orchestra needs its sections to work together. It's about leading, but also harmonizing for the grand performance.

Under a monarchic model one senior individual, champion? or department controls most of the information and rules that govern operations.

This political model produces sound benefits in small, single-business firms, but leads to fiefdoms in large organizations.

2. The Balanced Feudal Domains: "Uniting for a Strategic Symphony" ??

Here, departments work in harmony on key elements, leaving the finer details to the experts. It's akin to different musical instruments coming together to attempt a symphony— each part contributing to the overall harmony — yet a cacophony when they're trying to tune their instruments in disregard to each other.

This is because fiefdoms consist of each business unit striving for control of its information environment apart from and, often, in direct conflict with another elsewhere.

Information feudalism is a reflection of an organization?'s dysfunctional rejection of its need to integrate and can cause severe damage if left untreated, since a house divided cannot stand.

It is particularly prevalent in marketing organizations, where operations discipline is minimal because of the many “free-flowing creative juices” that permeate the organization, which is a trait quota-driven, quarterly-focused sales reps despise.

3. The Coordinated Federation: "Championing A Blended Sound" ??

Meet the business units collective, each working towards their own goals but also recognizing the importance of collaboration.

It's like the components of a jazz band playing their parts distinctively, engrossed in themselves, yet contributing to the greater piece. It's messy. It's semi-chaotic. It just may work out...maybe. It takes practice, maturity, experience.

Traditionally, this model is called federalism. It treats politics, even the politics of information, as a necessary and legitimate activity, because it means that the central team at corporate derives its authority from that which the local units give up.

Therefore, federalism is established only through extensive negotiation between the center and the periphery.

Federalism means stability and innovation; stability at the center where information remains common to all units, and innovation at the local field level where most of the interaction with the market takes place.

But this is a delicate balance.

The most necessary requirement for the creation and maintenance of a stable federation is trustworthy information managers adhering to a common set of directives under charter that ensure the fulfillment of both corporate and local interests.

This group of experts should facilitate negotiation among the true stakeholders for information rather than build their own information empires.

4. The Dynamic Anarchy: "Riding The Tornado for Growth" ??

This last model is the territory of rapid change and flexibility. It's about adapting to new rhythms while keeping an eye on the ultimate goal...hopefully. Think of it as an improvisational jam session—semi-structured chaos for innovation and growth.

An anarchy emerges from the breakdown of a centralized form of governance. A typical case might involve top executives realizing the importance of depending on a common set of information processes at the time the company is going through a major crisis, such as hostile take-over.

Strategically Aligning The Notes for Success ??

So, where does your office journey lead today?

Are you part of the collaborative monarchy, where unity is key?

Or maybe you're in a balanced federation, where harmony meets strategic success?

Regardless of your tune, understanding Marketing office dynamics isn't just a note in the song—it's the melody that drives both marketing excellence and revenue growth through sensible and practical collaboration with those generating the money.

To navigate your Marketing office politics and impact revenue growth, study how Sales reacts to your operations governance.

Are they part of the monarchy? Or have they raised their own drawbridge, filled their moat, readied the ramparts against your fiefdom?

Are you both governed by a common Constitution in a federated approach that shares resources (the dirty word is budget), systems, and business rules? Or are y'all running in loincloths, half-crazed burning down the house?

Until you know which governance is which and predominates, you won't be able to navigate your way harmoniously with Sales from governance to revenue growth.

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