How to navigate change and just start
Heidi Van Rensburg
Global High-Performance Mentor | Change Facilitator | Discover What's Stopping You From Doing What Lights You Up | Earn the Money You Want | I Help You Close the Gaps to Quantum Leap Your Personal and Financial Results
You know that saying about how even the tiniest step in the right direction can end up being the biggest one you'll ever take?
Well, I think that hits home for a lot of us who've had to face the idea of making changes in our lives.
Whether we're aiming for a new career, trying to get healthier, or chasing after our dreams, it all starts with that one little step.
But you know what? A lot of us get stuck in our tracks, held back by that feeling of being stuck.
It’s mostly the start that stops most people.
I sure have been guilty of this. Getting ready to get ready and just spinning my wheels.
Can you relate?
Let me give you an example to drive this home.?
You are a new entrepreneur and you know that brand marketing is critical to get in front of the right client right? You know that social media marketing is great for brand awareness and the quickest way to accomplish this is to use video to get yourself out there.
However you are scared of being on camera and doing what you know you should be doing.
So instead you put things off and procrastinate on this idea.
Let’s have a look into why getting started is tough, figure out why our minds can mess with our progress, and I'll share some things you can actually do to get past all of that.
The Paradox of Inertia:
You and me, we're creatures of habit. Familiarity makes us comfy, even if it's not what's best for us.
Change can be scary and unsettling. The strange thing is, even though we want to grow and move forward, that first step often trips us up.
We've got these big dreams, but taking action?
That's where we freeze.
Example: Getting a Startup Off the Ground and Beating Inertia
Imagine you've got this killer business idea and the skills to make it happen, but there's this initial resistance holding you back:
To kick this inertia to the curb, you need to apply some serious oomph - take action to jumpstart your business idea:
- Game Plan and Research: Do your homework, research the market, and plan your strategy. Knowing your stuff boosts your confidence in making this work.
- Lean on the Wise: Find a mentor who can guide you through what is holding you back.
Having someone in your corner can make a huge difference.
- Just Go for It: Yeah, it’s scary, but face the fear and just take that leap. Starting is the hardest part, and once you're in, you'll gain momentum and learn as you go.
Conquering that initial inertia is the secret sauce.
Once you break through and get things rolling, it becomes easier to keep the momentum going and tweak things as you learn the ropes of running a business. ???
The Psychology Behind It:
The fear of messing up is a real deal.
We start thinking about all the ways things could go wrong, and suddenly we're wrapped up in self-doubt.
And sometimes, a task feels so huge that we just put it off. Starting is when we're most wobbly. We start imagining all sorts of issues and roadblocks that might pop up, and that gets us stuck.
Breaking the Shackles of Inaction:
1. Set Small Goals: Forget about the big picture for a moment. Break your journey into smaller bits. This not only makes things less scary but also gives you little wins to celebrate along the way.
2. It's Okay to Mess Up: Nobody's perfect. Remember that. Making mistakes is actually a good thing. You learn and grow from them.
3. Picture Success: Imagine all the great stuff that's waiting for you. Paint a mental picture of how your life gets better once you take that first step.
4. Accountability Partner: Get a mentor that can hold you accountable. They can cheer you on and give you a nudge when you're stalling.
5. You’ve got this: Even the tiniest victories deserve a party. Reward yourself when you reach a milestone. It makes the journey feel awesome.
Starting out can be tough. But remember, even the longest journeys begin with a small step. The fear of change, the haze of uncertainty, and the drag of inertia can all team up to keep us glued in place.
But guess what?
Taking those small steps can totally open up new doors and let us reach our dreams. You can move forward, even if you're tiptoeing.
So go ahead, take that little step, no matter how small it feels. You'll be surprised how far it can take you toward the life you've always wanted.
P.S. if you need help with getting past inertia, send me a DM and let’s see how I can help you with a proven step by step program to reach that goal that seems impossible.