The native wants to know how his upcoming Saturn mahadasha will be as per his horoscope according to vedic astrology.
Based on the given birth details DOB 17-12-1974 at 03:18 AM in Bangalore, Karnataka, India and the analysis is done as per KP vedic astrology padhatti / system.
The plotted horoscope shows thula lagna / libra ascendant with mercury rahu n mars in 2nd house, venus n sun in 3rd house, moon in 4th house, Jupiter in 5th house, ketu in 8th house and Saturn in 9th house.
The moon is in uttarshada nakshatra in makar rashi / moon in Capricorn sign and the current ruling mahadasha is Jupiter.
In order to learn about the upcoming running Saturn mahadasha one need to study the significances house signified by saturn and study their significances as per the significances of the sublord of those houses.
From the horoscope the upcoming mahadasha is Saturn and its signifying 4,5 and 9th house in the planet level as well as in the sublord level and Jupiter signifying 3,5 and 6th house in the nakshatra level.
From the analysis I conclude that this is a horoscope which shows that the native will get success far away from his birth place and that too his profession should be aligned with his horoscope other wise he will face too many ups and downs in his life with jobless or no work period in between.
The upcoming Saturn mahadasha doesn’t show great change compared to the current on-going Jupiter mahadasha.
An aligned career with the horoscope will have advantage in Saturn mahadasha period as it will minimize the negative impact.
Now the native is in his tail end of his career and its not possible for a person to switch over to a new profession and start it from zero.
But a relief from the sade sati will definitely help him to have more good vison towards his life as he learned many things during the rule of his sade sati period which will also help him to minimise the negative impact during the Saturn mahadasha period and give him good / better opportunity.
Overall its ok period during the upcoming Saturn mahadasha period.
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