How My Father Inspired My Love for Design
Robert Price and his father

How My Father Inspired My Love for Design

By Robert Price, Owner/President of Level 4 Designs

People often ask me how I came to love design and the creative process so much. It’s a story rooted in my early childhood and a special bond with my father.

It all started when I began pestering my dad to let me go to work with him. He was a butcher at a small family-owned grocery store, and, as most 4-5 year-old boys, I wanted to spend more time with him. The owner of the grocery agreed that I could come with him a couple of days a week if I was quiet and did not cause any disruptions.

So, my father made me a makeshift desk out of cardboard cartons. I would sit there, all day long, drawing pictures of everything that was within eye sight. At the end of the day, I would show my dad my work, and he was always interested and very supportive.

Sometimes that’s all you need – an imagination and a little encouragement.

As I sat at that makeshift desk, I discovered a passion for creating and bringing ideas to life on paper. My dad’s support and the freedom to draw whatever I saw helped cultivate my imagination and love for design. Those early days taught me the value of seeing the world differently and expressing it through my drawings.

Today, at Level 4 Designs, that same passion drives me. We strive to provide furniture that isn’t just functional but also a piece of art that transforms spaces and inspires creativity in others. Each piece we design is a testament to the power of imagination and the importance of support and encouragement.

Thank you, Dad, for those cherished days in the grocery store and for sparking a lifelong love for design.

#Level4Designs #DesignJourney #Inspiration #CreativeProcess #DesignPassion #FamilyLegacy #DesignStory #Level4Designs



