How Music can help reduce Anxiety

How Music can help reduce Anxiety

Listening to music or playing an instrument not only delivers a high sense of achievement but it can also help with mental wellbeing. Playing music can have a calming effect on a person and for some musicians can feel like a form of meditation.?Whilst different elements of music such as songwriting help to convey a sense of what you are feeling and allow you to put your inner thoughts onto paper, playing therapeutic instruments such as singing bowls through sound therapy can deliver a sense of calm and relaxation.


Songwriting is often used not just as a creative output, but also as a personal journal for the songwriter. Putting your inner thoughts and worries onto a page and letting them out into the open can help you analyse what you are feeling and what is making you feel anxious. Even if the songs are just for you, writing down your thoughts can be hugely beneficial, as it can ensure you can identify why and what you are thinking.

Playing an Instrument?

Whilst playing an instrument is incredibly rewarding, it can also have calming outcomes, even with drums. Locking into a groove or learning a delicate piano part can deliver a great sense of comfort. As with any creative outlet playing an instrument can also be a release for how you are feeling, with your thoughts and feelings being conveyed in music.

Sound Therapy

Sound therapy is also a great way to create a relaxing environment, this can be achieved through a range of instruments like singing bowls and tuning forks and used alongside Meditation. Sound therapy teaches you to become more aware of the sounds that you experience and ensures you retain a calm state of mind - a practice that can then transfer over into your everyday life. Research has found that regular practice of sound therapy can specifically lead to reducing anxiety alongside improving your overall mental health.

Listening to Music

Simply listening to music provides a great way to improve mental health and anxiety, whether it’s your favourite band or simply a chilled relaxation playlist. Similar to playing an instrument, the sound of delicate pianos or a plucky guitar part can provide a soothing environment and features characteristics of meditation. Listening to lyrics of songs you can relate to, provides a sense of understanding and can help you to achieve a state of calm and comfort.

Overall, music can help with anxiety and mental health in various ways and can be a superb outlet for creativity. Whether you are simply listening to your favourite song or playing an instrument, music has firm benefits and resources for helping maintain a healthy mind.


