How Much Of Your Business Do We Have?

How Much Of Your Business Do We Have?

I work closely with 18 to 24 clients per year. About a dozen are new clients, working on their revenue growth breakthrough project, and the rest are doing momentum work which consists of cementing habits and developing even more revenue growth approaches.

Because I’m constantly learning what works from my clients, I get to consistently develop new approaches for everyone. Like this one, which came up in a client workshop recently:

“How much of your business for x, y, or z product do we get?”

Let the customer answer. Let’s assume they say 50%.

Here’s the second part of the question: “What do we have to do to increase that to 60 or 70%?”

And then be quiet and listen to the answer.

To the customer, it’s a matter of moving a relatively small amount of their overall business to you.

But for you, it can be significant revenue. And this is only one customer.

What if, in January, you set about asking this question to every customer your company interacts with? And what if 20% of them give you that bump in business? For the whole year. And then the next year. And the year after that?

Interesting, isn’t it? Ask the question. Tell your customers you’d like to help them more. Some of them, the smart ones, will be happy to let you!

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