How much are you my sweet love?
Professor of Biopharmaceutical technology Industries , CEO & Founder of SR Biopharma Consult International Co - Egypt
Wonderful, beautiful, elegant in everything.,
Not just like a blooming scent red rose flower.
Much more beautiful than any imagination.
And only I can see with the eyes of the lover.
Oh,my love, how much are you?
A symbol for every lover woman .
Giving love and attention unconditionally
Touching heart , reaching the essence of the soul.
My heart and soul fill me with happiness and joy.
And much more of all love affection ..
Oh,my love, how much are you?
Having more than amazing shining eyes,
Dreamy eyes full of secrets of happiness.
Cannot look far in love without our one heart.
Your eyes, my love, see everything.
That is wonderful and bright in life,
Of optimism in the coming days.
Hugging in your arms with the melting of our lips.
And the merging of our two hearts into one heart.
Your bosom is where I belong.
Our one heart beat makes the most beautiful melodies.
As the most attractive love songs under moon lights.