How much would the rate be of the car insuance?

How much would the rate be of the car insuance?

Ok. How much would car insurance cost on a 2007 BMW 335i coupe for an 18 year old driver with about 33,000 miles on the car. Also, how much would a 1999 ford Mustang gt witH 121,000 miles on the car for an 18 year old driver. the bmw will b in a covered shared lot while the mustang will be parked in an uncovered shared lot. We live in pheonix arizona. My car, the mustang, will be used for driving to work, as well as going to class. Same for my boyfriends car, the bmw. School is 4 miles away and work for me is about 25 miles aeay when his is only 1.5. Thabks for everyone who helps(:

ANSWER: I recommend you to visit this web site where you can get rates from different companies:


2002 Toyota Corolla vs 2000 Honda Civic?

 which one should I get and why? I am planning on getting one of these cars next year when I turn 18 to use just as a daily driver to get me home to school and work and every now and then when I go out with freinds. I am also planning on getting it in white and just put some nice rims on it and maybe some nice speakers. btw I live in New York City and since insurance will be high for me I am planning on putting it under my fathers name and also this will be my first car ever thats why I dont know which to pick I also just want the one that has better gas milage.



Life Insurance Agents?

 Is anyone in the industry as an independent life agent doing consistantly well?? If so what are you doing to get appointments? I have my own direct mail equipment and have the capability to get direct mail leads. But It seems that lately, its of no use. No one replys to life insurance mailers, Mortgage Insurance (for obvious reasons) or Income Protection. Any bits of advice? 10 years in the business and still open to anyones advice here...""



Is there any affordable health insurance for full time college students?

 I'm a full time student and I work full time. But our benefits at work aren't that great. It's close to $400 a month with a 5000 deductible. I can't afford that right now. Recently my mom told me that she heard some colleges have health insurance programs or something like that that I can get through the college. It's pretty affordable supposedly.. I tried to search on my college site but didn't really find anything. Where can I find info about this? Or are there any government programs that offer insurance to full time students?



Is my insurance going to go up a lot?

 I'm 17 and my i'm under my parents insurance for my car and its around $110 a month. I want to get a motorcycle, either a dual sport bike or a street bike. Does anyone have a rough estimate of how much you think my monthly would go up adding motorcycle insurance? I know you don't know exact, please don't tell me to call them. I have a clean record. Thanks for all your help.""



Life insurance scams?

hello - i am writing a screenplay and a small portion of the movie is about a guy getting killed because of his life insurance. i need to set the period in a time where life ins. was sort of a new thing to do. so during which era, 60's, 70's, 80's, were people just getting into the life insurance""



Can I get auto insurance?

I am able to use several different cars of extended family and friends. I want to be covered if anything happens to any of them. Is there a way for me to be covered without being on multiple policies. Is that even legal?



Is there an insurance that gives the same benifits as AAA at a lower price?

AAA is awsome but expenisve is there any other car insurance that offers the same benifits at a lower price



How much does car insurance usually cost?

 I'm 19 now. When I wanna get my own car when i'm 20. I never had a car before. but my dad says he won't let me drive away his car without him sitting next to me. I hate that, so I want to buy a second hand car n I can be free to go anywhere, and hide it at my friend's place so my dad won't know it. so I guess I need to purchase somekind of insureance by myself, I don't want to be covered under my dad's insurance since I dont want him to know at all. any information or opinion will be helpful thx!!""



""Contractor says I can get new roof paid by insurance, what's the catch?""

 Contractor stopped by and inspected my roof and said he'd done several in my neighborhood where peoples' insurance covered it. He said I had hail and wind damage. He said they work for whatever the insurance company says it will cost, no more.   He showed me pictures of damage. There's been some storms lately but nothing too terrible. The rood is 22 years old so it's time anyway. Seems too good to be true. Am I right to be wary?""



Why do a lot of people buy life insurance on their children?

 Children are not liabilities if they die. You buy insurance only on liabilities. If children die, you no longer have to pay for their care, up keep, school etc. The money you put into paying for the premiums on their insurance policy would be better allocated in a savings account, education fund or paying off your own debt instead.   Why do people do it when it's clearly a scam?""



How much does it cost to insure a 17 year old before he has passed his test?

 I am a 17 year old boy who is about to book his driving test. However I want to buy my car now and insure it so that my dad can get in the car with me and I can get some extra practice in. I just want to know roughly how much something like this would cost? As I cannot find any details online, only details on how much insurance is for a person who has passed their driving test.  I am going to be buying a Peugeot 107 (1 litre)""



How much will it cost to up my car insurance to use car for work?

How much will it cost to up my car insurance to use car for work?



How come my insurance is going up?

 My mom just told me that the insurance company is raising my insurance by like 168$(6 month pay day) and I dont know why. I havent gotten a ticket, pulled over or anything. I mean at school I get parking infractions and stuff and it says ' your license plate has been reported to the police department' but ive gotten multiples of those and have friends that have gotten way more and nothing happens. So I want to know a reason on why the insurance would be going up. Thanks""



Do car salesmen get free dealer insurance to drive any car?

As above, I've been offered a job by a franchised motor dealership, just curious if as part of the job you get free insurance to drive all vehicles? And do you generally get a company"""" car.  It's a big part of the decision I have to make.  Any help or advice would be great.""""""



Best insurance for car sharers?

 I want to share a car with my friend, its her car and we will share tax and maintenance but the big problem is insurance. In the worst case scenario of my having an accident I don't want to jeopardise her no claims discount I ideally would also like to build up my own no claims if possible. Can we do this on the same policy? Does anyone have any ideas about the best type of policy to get? I thought I could just get my own separate insurance but apparently it is illegal to have two policies on one car. I am confused and I dont want to end up getting into a tricky situation down the line with a friend if we havent thought it through properly, any ideas?""



Am I entitled to a refund if I cancel health insurance?

I am self-employed and began purchasing health insurance in August of this year and have dutifully paid for 4 months. Of course, I have not received any benefits as I am healthy and my deductible is 5K. I must now cancel it. Am I due any refund?  Thank you.""



Nevada DMV- what happens with a lapse in car insurance?

I have paid the same insurance company and my policy has been reinstated. But like I said, it was cancelled for 1 DAY and a notice of lapse in insurance was sent to the DMV. So the DMV will know that I did not have coverage.""



""If I damaged a rental car, will it affect me if i get a car insurance for my car?

I recently rented a car and paid for insurance and liability the whole time i had it. I bumped the fender to the curb and the rental had me sign their report and I didn't have to pay for anything. I'm planning to buy a car but will the incident affect my insurance rate if I get my own insurance/







What do you pay for your motorcycle?

 I'm a 23 year old guy in FL and looking to buy a sportbike. Probably a used GSX-R 600 or a ZX-6R. My question is what are you guys paying for your bikes? I'm looking to put about $1000 down on the bike itself. So financing probably $5-7,000. I know things will vary with interest rates and all that. But what are you paying total monthly for your bike payment (amount financed/interest) plus insurance. Trying to get my budget together. Thanks.""



Car insurance which is the cheaper?

What is the cheap car insurance for like a 05 and truck or suv. My dad said Tahoe are really high. It needs to have 4 wheel drive.



Cheapest second hand cars to insure for over 25 year olds uk?

ok so i'm 27 just passed my driving licence money is an issue I need to buy a cheap second hand car any know a website or know which is the cheapest type of cars I can get for cheapest insurance quotes please?



""Car accident, insurance coverage, process?""

 I had an accident with another car on the highway, road condition was icy. I traveled with 46-50 miles/hour, kept the car in my lane, followed the cars with normal distance. The other car - one lane or two lanes to the right of me hit an icy spot and crashed into the right side of my car at the door and partially the right fender. I had no damage in the front side of my car, but the front of the other car is damaged substantially. First she admitted that she hit an icy spot, but gave the police another untrue statement about the accident. No tickets were issued by the police. We both have full insurance coverage. The damages on both cars clearly indicates, that her spinning car caused the crash. I already contacted my insurance company.  Is there a chance that the insurance companies will be able to work this out and her insurance company will pay for the repair on both cars? Therefore, I will not have to pay my deductible amount? Can the ins. co. override her statement if the independent investigation indicates that her car caused the accident ?  Thanks for your answer.""



Why is my home insurance score so high?

 I just ran a credit check on credit karma and noticed that my home insurance score is 908, which is 'very good'. I'm not complaining, but I'm just wondering how it could possibly even be so high? I'm only 19 and I'm a college student. Never owned a home obviously and I probably won't for years lol.""



""How much tax does the American person, family pay per week with income and sales tax?""

Feel Free to add in Cell Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance Car and Health tax""



Car insurance for 27 male?

Hello,  Im 27 year old male, driving a 2003 mazda protege with 170 000 kms. I live in London Ontario. How much will car insurance be with a clean record?""


How much would the rate be of the car insuance?

Ok. How much would car insurance cost on a 2007 BMW 335i coupe for an 18 year old driver with about 33,000 miles on the car. Also, how much would a 1999 ford Mustang gt witH 121,000 miles on the car for an 18 year old driver. the bmw will b in a covered shared lot while the mustang will be parked in an uncovered shared lot. We live in pheonix arizona. My car, the mustang, will be used for driving to work, as well as going to class. Same for my boyfriends car, the bmw. School is 4 miles away and work for me is about 25 miles aeay when his is only 1.5. Thabks for everyone who helps(:

ANSWER: I recommend you to visit this web site where you can get rates from different companies:"

Cheap car insurance for 18 year olds?

What type of cars have low insurance costs for young drivers and also which insurance providers have the best deals for new drivers?   Thanks in advance!




if you missed your car insurance payment by a few days and u got into a accident (a deer hit u) should your car insurance still cover you...



How to get lower car insurance ?

I'm 23 and car insurance companies want between $300 - $800 for car insurance because I'm not 25 yet. I refuse to pay that much. Is there anything else I can do .



How much on average would liability insurance cost after 2 dwi's (5 years ago)?

 It's been over 5 years (and sober!). I'm on a tight budget though and need a car for work now. I already figured what the interlock will cost me, but I have no idea on insurance. I don't know if it will be $100-$300 a month. After the first DWI (bad college years), it was about $125 a month I think. So I'm really hoping it stays under $250 at least a month just for liability.   Anyone have any ideas? Thanks :)""



How much is car insurance usually in UK?

 I live in London and don't have a clue about this thing but I just passed my test at 29 and hope to get a decent looking car that has had a previous owner and don't under all this quote business. I've got about 2670 to spend. So half of that will be for a deposit. How much do most people spend on insurance a year and what would be a cheap"""" price range for me to look for? How much should it be for a month?""""""



Will home insurance cover a wet cell phone?

I have a cell phone that I just dropped into the pool. My cell phone insurance won't cover it, will home insurance cover it?""



What is the best insurance company to have if you need to go into a rehabilitation center?

ok thank you



Does the scratch affect the online quote price if Geico asks me to do inspection for insurance?

I am current using Geico insurance, I want to renew the insurance and quote online. It asks me to go to a body shop to do inspection. However, there are some scratches in my car near the bump, does it affect the quote price or inspection results?""



I dont have car insurance?

Currently i dont have a car. I drive my sister car and she added me to her car insurance. If she rents a car for me would her insurance cover in case of accident if i am in her policy?



Which is the best medical insurance in washington state?

Which is the best medical insurance in washington state?



What is the cheapest auto insurance for teens these days?

I'm 18 and just got my first car. I would like to drive it but sadly have no insurance on it yet. I then looked up quotes and found out it is real expensive, $500 and more. Is there any way a teen like myself can get cheap auto insurance?""



Where is some good places (affordable) to get health insurance for the unemployed ( like babysitters)?

Where is some good places (affordable) to get health insurance for the unemployed ( like babysitters)?



What is the average annual salary of a real estate and insurance agent?

What is the average annual salary of a real estate and insurance agent?  What type of education is needed for both?



What does a full coverage insurance cover?

If my car was in an accident and i have a full coverage insurance plan what exactly does the insurance cover? The car was totalled and can no longer be used.



How much is the avg car insurance for a 17 year old living in Toronto?

that's with driving school under my belt and having an average over 70% in school (cause apparently that cuts your rates)  i dont need an exact number cause everyone is diff, and i don't need a link to one of those things taht calculate it for you cause i don't have the patience lol.""



Buying a new help?

 So need some help.ive bought a brand new car which is coming on the way from suppliers so will take a few i have a car im trading which ive never done before so im unsure wot to do about insurance as the insurance on my current car expires 13th feb and the garage will nd a cover note of new insurance to tax car..and as i dont know the reg plate yet.same for tax of car what do i do when renewal letter comes through(renewal date 31st jan)as hopefully will hv car by then.



Where is the cheapest place to get renters insurance?

My land lord is requiring everyone to get renters insurance now so im just looking for the cheapest most basic insurance I can get.



""Who makes more money, average CPAs or average insurance agents?""

 and how hard is the CPA test compared to a test for an insurance agent license?  I'm studying for the CPA exam now and it's hard. But my ex-girlfriend is starting out as an insurance agent and thinks I'm wasting my time & money with the CPA exam.  I don't think that of course, but I was just wondering.""



What's the best and cheapest car insurance in California for a bad driver?

What's the best and cheapest car insurance in California for a bad driver?



How much do you pay for car insurance?

These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS!



Motorcycle insurance in Guam?

 Individual has military orders to Guam and is ONLY shipping a motorcycle (no POV). Most company's I've called will only cover auto insurance and let you add a motorcycle policy to make a combo. Does anyone know of independent motorcyce insurance policies covering overseas (particularly Guam) without having to insure a vehicle along with it? (I've tried most big named companies and even the independent companies on the island, and so far no luck!)""



I'm 17 my car is in the garage how much would I be looking at on insurance for a weeks cover on a 106 1.4?

I need to get to work and back so I need to use a car, how much would this roughly cost? THANKS""



Homeowner's Insurance FIRE question: Tenant's property covered?

 Two tenants displaced...Fire, lot's of property... Insurance has 180K limit, plus has 18K for personal Property""""""



Car insurance in my name?

. My sister got a new car and wants to get her insurance in my name. Will I be responsible for anything if she has a wreck? Because she has had numerous of wrecks (all being her fault)



Car insurance can be annoying.?

 heres the situation...  my boyfriend and i recently broken up.we are having our first child together,im 20 hes 23.we both decided to go in an get a new car for me,but since his credit was a lil better then i.his name was first as in the car belonged to him,and i became cosigner.i make the car payments,and pay half insurance.his responsibility was to pay for the other half insurance,and now that were not together,hes not willing to pay.well at first he said he wasnt willing he i able to refinance the car and put it in my name,and insurance.i dont want him to think he can pay when he wants or not,becuse were not together im trying to find ways,so that car is mine,and he has no way of taking it or what not.i need it not just for me,but for our child.any advice?""



""My friend had 5 car wrecks when they were 16. they're 20 now and can't find affordable insurance, any ideas?""

My friend had 5 car wrecks when they were 16. they're 20 now and can't find affordable insurance, any ideas?""


How much would the rate be of the car insuance?

Ok. How much would car insurance cost on a 2007 BMW 335i coupe for an 18 year old driver with about 33,000 miles on the car. Also, how much would a 1999 ford Mustang gt witH 121,000 miles on the car for an 18 year old driver. the bmw will b in a covered shared lot while the mustang will be parked in an uncovered shared lot. We live in pheonix arizona. My car, the mustang, will be used for driving to work, as well as going to class. Same for my boyfriends car, the bmw. School is 4 miles away and work for me is about 25 miles aeay when his is only 1.5. Thabks for everyone who helps(:

ANSWER: I recommend you to visit this web site where you can get rates from different companies:


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