But how much? Why portion size matters
Have you ever gone shopping and then been appalled when you see the total? That's kind of what it will feel like if you eat a bunch of healthy food but aren't mindful of portion sizes. Your calorie total could get VERY expensive. Foods that are considered healthy, like nuts, avocado coconut oil, grains and salads can have a lot of calories beyond what you may need for your energy expenditure for the day. Portion size matters. If you read my article, you will see that there's a back of the envelope way to approximate how much of a food is a normal serving. For example, proteins should fit into your palm, and fats like cheeses and avocado should be the size of your thumb.
It doesn't help that restaurants serve you double or triple the portions, and that everything is "super sized" because it's a better deal, per se. I have noticed when I travel and eat with the locals, they eat so much less but aren't as conscious of bread and carbs, etc., as the US diet culture.
So read my Saboteur Series VI: Portion sizes, and let me know what you think! I have some tips on how to retrain your brain, after I had to do the same.
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