How Much Weight Could an Indestructible Helical Pile Hold?
VersaPile Inc.
High Capacity Helical Piles for Utilities & Energy, Indigenous Construction, Industrial & Commercial. SK, MB & ON
If we built a helical pile out of an indestructible material, how much weight could that pile hold?
At first glance this seems like a great question. Logically it would make sense that a helical pile that's manufactured with a higher grade of steel could withstand more weight.
Except that's not quite the case.
A helical pile's capacity isn't solely determined by the material it's made from. In fact, there's a lot of engineering science that goes into how much weight a helical pile can hold.
It might surprise you to know that the steel that makes up the helical pile isn't the most important part.
To see how a helical pile gets its strength, and what would really happen if we built an indestructible helical pile, click here to read the rest of this post on the VersaPile blog >>>